Sunday, September 25, 2022

Book Selection ~ Term Three: School Holidays

I have done lots of different things with reading aloud during school holidays. Sometimes I don't read aloud at all (except for the Bible), sometimes I read our essential reading (Bible and character selections), sometimes I read morning and night, sometimes I only read at night. It all depends on our life situation at the time, the number of outside activities we have during the holidays, and how badly I need a break. 

This school holidays we really wanted to continue with our literature reading AND Daniel's history selection (the Pearlie books) was on reserve the moment we borrowed it, so we decided to read it over the school holidays as well. See below for a short description of everything we are reading over the school holidays.

The Bible is essential and non-negotiable. We read it EVERY day. If by chance we miss, we double up the next day. I read a minimum of three chapters a day. But sometimes it is more than that depending on how the chapters are situated within the book. If a chapter ends in the middle of a story or a thought process then I will continue reading until we have an end of a chapter that is also a logical stopping place for the story. We are currently reading through Proverbs.

We just started this book towards the end of the term and the boys always love the stories in these two volumes. Again, I read at least one story per day, but if the two page spread contains only short stories or poems then I will read more.

We have been reading this daily all year long and really enjoying it. The information for each calendar is short, sweet, and enjoyable. There are historical tid-bits to read plus usually one or two famous people who were born on the particular day.

We are maxed on our renewals (three) for this book so it is a good thing we are reading it through the school holidays. This is an addition to Monkey's Ancient histories unit study that we've been doing all year, but includes many more gods and goddesses than just those from Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.

After watching all the Disney movies we decided we needed to purge ourselves of the watered down, sanitized versions of fairy tales that Disney churns out. So I thought a compilation of Andersen's tales was a good addition to our daily reading.

We added this book for the same reason I mentioned above.

We are on the LAST book of this spectacular series. I am a bit sad because this is the last time I will be reading the series aloud for a LONG time. I also need to brainstorm some new literature selections for Munchkin for Term 4.

We put this book on reserve about midway through Term 3 and waited a LONG time to receive it, just to realise that someone else has put it on reserve meaning we have only three weeks to read all four books. I could have left it for the beginning of Term 4 but then we would have had to rush and read them in one week. We collectively decided to read them over school holidays so we had time to enjoy the stories.

The older boys and I have thoroughly enjoyed working our way through the Harry Potter series and so could not fathom the idea of NOT reading for two whole weeks.

Another book that is reaching the maximum renewal limit so I'm continuing to read this to Monster every morning and we should finish it up either over the holidays or by the end of the first week of the term. The book is well written and chock full of interesting information and we've really enjoyed learning new things about the ocean.

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