Saturday, November 26, 2022

Term Four: Week Seven ~ Books, Bug Bites, and Social Visits

I love weeks when we are able to get LOTS of reading done...

These are the read alouds we finished this week...
I am doing a super short "Ancient Civilisations" unit study to finish off history for Monkey for the year...

These aren't the greatest photos, but our favourite purple flowered plant that grows in the garden at church has successfully propagated in Munchkin's Propagation Station that was a gift from his Godmother.

Some bug (and neither we nor our pharmacist are convinced it is ONLY a mosquito) viciously attacked Munchkin one night... feasting on both his cheeks... AND

... two spots on his leg as well... Thankfully, again this is a new development since having his appendix removed, none of the bites got infected. However, his itch level when he gets bites still sits at the "insanity" level so he generally gets extra screen time to distract him so he doesn't scratch, and he sleeps with ice packs at night.

Instead of attending homeschool group on Friday (the meet up was too far away) we invited one family over to go walking on the boardwalk with us.

We enjoyed a quick walk to the end of the boardwalk and back (about a 20 minutes round trip), a lovely visit, and the surprise of doughnuts from our friends when they arrived. It was a GREAT way to end the week.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Term Four: Week Six ~ Burns, Bugs, and Books

Week six was a bizarre week...

It started Sunday afternoon with hubby discovering these butterflies, who clearly illustrated that despite our FREEZING temperatures (well abnormally cold for this time of year) it is in FACT spring and nature is doing what nature does best...

Early in the week I was cooking a bit pot of spaghetti sauce and as I was adding some grated veggies to the mix, the sauce bubbled and splashed all over my thumb and the palm of my hand. It hurt like crazy and I was certain I was going to end up with a huge blister on the palm of my RIGHT hand... but Praise God there were NO blisters at all, and after a few hours of my hand wrapped and treated with some burn cream, life was back to normal.

We continue to work on our non-fiction read alouds for the term. This was the LAST Ancient Rome book for Monkey's Ancient Rome unit study. In the new year we will begin with The Vikings which he and I are both excited about.

Munchkin spotted the interesting spider on the fence behind our clothes line. Sorry there is no size reference but it is actually a very small spider. I'm pleased with the macro shot I was able to take of it at it was a quick trip into the backyard to inspect the find.

We started the first book of the last "Our Australian Girl" set. I am a touch sad because this is the last time I will be reading the series as Munchkin will move on to higher level history books next year when he begins Year 6.

Finally, we were really excited to discover that our plants had sprouted and appeared to be growing well...