We've reached the halfway mark of this term, and we can clearly see the light at the end of the tunnel that has been this crazy school year. I'm happy to see the end of this chaotic and somewhat dramatic year and I'm ready to start looking forward to 2023 and planning for what and how we'll learn in the year to come. Planning is ALWAYS my favourite part of homeschooling (I'm kind of a nerd that way) and I generally get in the planning mode by about the midway point of our last term.
Photography is waning as the term progresses. The older two boys don't like to be photographed as much, and truth be told their schoolwork now is boring. The blog will have to change and morph as the boys hurtle closer to the end of their homeschooling journey.
In the meantime, enjoy my selection of photos showcasing our learning for this week of the term.
Munchkin has been wanting to plant some more of our Discovery Garden plants from Woolworths (we have TONS leftover from the last giveaway as several friends gave the boys their plants) so we set ourselves up outside and got to work.
It was rather tricky sometimes working the seeds (many of which were very tiny) out of the paper envelope they came in...
Planting the tiny seeds in the little box...
Adding the other half of the included soil...
Three different views of our potted seeds... one row (and the bonus free box) are Munchkin's chosen plants and the other row is mine.
One lonely photo of structured school work this week - Munchkin working on his math review with help from the Khan Academy website.
The excitement for this week was a full lunar eclipse... though in the end it was a tad disappointing. For starters, my ability to properly and clearly photograph a lunar eclipse is sorely limited. Then the weather was not very compliant either and often we couldn't even see the moon because of the cloud cover. But in the end I got a few photos that at least show that it was an eclipse and we enjoyed watching the bits that we could see.
We finished reading two books this week...
The After School Activity at the library this week was Lego and Munchkin was thrilled to have his friends there this week.
I got two good walking days in this week as well...
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