This page is likely to be a work in progress as our reasons for homeschooling are likely to change and evolve as we move through the process.
First and foremost though we want our children to view the learning process as an enjoyable and life long experience. Not just something they "do" Monday to Friday from 9am until 3pm. Both our boys are excited and energized about the learning process and we don't want them to lose that spark.
We want their learning to be meaningful and productive - not just learning facts to pass the next test or finish the next grade. We want them to retain what they are learning because it is interesting and exciting and they have learned it in a more personal fashion.
We want our children to model their hearts and their lives after God - not after their peers and what is "cool" at the time.
If our children are struggling with a concept we want the opportunity to slow the learning down until they have fully grasped the concept. Similarly, if our children find a concept too easy and need to move ahead we want them to have the opportunity to speed up and reach a level that is challenging and exciting for them.