Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Term Two Review




I do not dictate what books they choose for their “free” independent reading time. I keep a folder on the desktop of my computer with a photograph of each and every book the boys read throughout each term. For those of you who wonder why I do this it is because writing down all the titles of the MANY books Munchkin (especially) reads in a term, is too time consuming. You will notice this term that I'm no longer photographing all the books Munchkin reads (independently) and sharing them on the blog. I have decided I will instead "highlight" now and then when he reads NEW books that he has never read before. He spent term two reading and re-reading his favourites as well as finding new books that sparked his interest.

Monkey: Monkey is finished with Premier's Reading Challenge completely as of last year. He earned his medal which is the highest level of the challenge. I still encourage him to read daily and periodically bring home library books that I think he will enjoy, but he is at the age now where he has to take more ownership of his independent reading. 

In Term Two Monkey discovered the Fablehaven series thanks to a suggestion from a dear friend of mine. He read all the books in that series (there are five books in total) and then quickly moved on to a sequel series. The library only had the first two books in that series (total of five books again) so Monkey put in a purchase request and is now enjoying reading all the books as the library ordered them straight away for him.

Munchkin: I am being a bit more purposeful with Premier's Reading Challenge now that Munchkin has reached the final reading level (7-9). I am trying to get it so that all his choices for this year are from the 7-9 list even though he IS allowed to read 5-6 books as well. His reading ability is so high that I don't want him reading lower level books for the challenge unless their content is exceptional. He is capable of reading the higher level books and can often handle the more mature content as well.

Additional Note: As the PRC rules state that five of the books for the year can be "free choice" books, I have told Munchkin that those five books CAN be 5-6 level books if necessary. I don't always agree with the chosen levels for books and there are plenty of 5-6 books that could easily be considered 7-9 level as well. Or there are books that USED to be 7-9 level and have mysteriously been dropped to 5-6 level. So I'm being a bit more flexible than I originally planned.


Both boys continue to use the Institute for Excellence in Writing: Teaching Writing Structure and Style curriculum. It allows them to work at a level appropriate for their age and ability. It “grows” with the child so to speak. See below for a list of the types of writing each individual boy did during Term Two.

Monkey: Women in World War I (Unit 4/6) and Nursery Rhymes (Unit 8 - Essay)

Munchkin: Ancient Egyptian Society (Unit 4/6), Hatshepsut (Unit 4/6), and Cleopatra (Unit 4/6).

Term Two is historically and notoriously our most difficult term. This year was no different and was definitely not helped with illness for all of April school holidays (both boys and myself) and then a relapse for both boys in the beginning weeks of the term. Writing suffered the most this term. In the past I used to worry and have all the thoughts of "what if they get behind". Thankfully our AP reassured me continually and reminded me that forward motion (even if it is slow) is always the goal. No, this term wasn't our best, and no, the boys didn't do a lot of writing, but they are ALWAYS learning and we will continue to improve.




Update: Monkey has finished all the spelling lists on the Ozspeller website so he is finished with spelling for his school career. I will now simply keep an eye on his spelling in his writing assignments and if he gets sloppy we'll do a "spelling review".

Munchkin: We continued with the Ozspeller lists from the website. If you are interested in having a closer look at the website click on Ozspeller to be taken directly to the site.


Below are the books I selected to read to the boys for their literature this term. Sometimes both boys listen to the literature selections, and other times I read their literature to them individually. This is a change from how we used to read literature, but it suits Monkey and Munchkin so it is a good change.

Combined Reading: "We Are All Australians Now" and "The Man From Snowy River" by Banjo Paterson, "This is Banjo Paterson" by Tania McCartney, "The Banjo's Best Loved Poems" - chosen by his granddaughters, "Poems of Henry Lawson", and "The Stories Behind the Stories" by Daniell Higley

Munchkin: In Term Two we read: "The Borrowers Avenged" by Mary Norton and "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame. I also read "A Journey Through Greek Myths" by Marchella Ward which has crossover curriculum teaching with his history studies.

Monkey: In Term Two we began reading: "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. We will finish this book sometime early in Term Three as Dickens requires slower reading than some other literature titles.

I am also reading him "The Arabian Nights' Entertainments ~ of The Thousand and One Nights" - The Complete, Original Translation of Edward William Lane 

Monkey found this book in the free little library up the road from our house and asked me to read it aloud to him. This will take us all year - possibly two years! 



Monkey: I am nearly 100% certain that I will not do any further grammar studies with him. As he will be applying for his Year 10 certificate at the end of 2025 our focus is on the work he needs to do to satisfy those requirements. I may consider grammar as part of his curriculum in Year 11 and 12

Munchkin: This year we are working through Targeting Grammar Year 3 and he is having great success with it so far. I will continue with these workbooks until he finishes the Yr 6 workbook.


Monkey: Continued his Year 9 Haese Mathematics textbook this term. I do the work along with him and over the course of the term we completed chapters 17-20 covering the following topics: Trigonometry, Simultaneous Equations, Proportion, and Quadratic Equations. This leaves ONE chapter of the Year 9 textbook for us to finish and we will likely choose to move on to the Year 10 book straight away, rather than waiting until next year, to give us extra time should we need it.

Munchkin: Continued working through his Year 7 Haese Mathematics textbook, working through chapters 5-7 of the book, and covering the following topics: Fractions, Decimal Numbers, and Algebra: Expressions and Formulae



For the remaining school subjects I try to teach both boys together as much as I possibly can. So I will now start listing Munchkin’s work first followed by Monkey's so I'm not repeating myself too much.

I rely heavily on our library for quality books to cover the content we study in the remaining subjects. When I am planning a unit study I do a subject search for books and reserve any and all that look like they will be suitable for the boys. I include picture books, junior non-fiction, and I’ve just started including adult non-fiction for Monkey.

 Munchkin and Monkey: 

We read the following science/technology books over the course of the term:

  • "A Focus on Urban Habitats" by Jane Hinchey
  • "A Focus on Antarctic Tundra" by Jane Hinchey
  • "A Focus on Alpine Habitats" by Jane Hinchey
  • "A Focus on Coasts and Oceans" by Jane Hinchey
  • "A Focus on Deserts and Grasslands" by Jane Hinchey
  • "A Focus on Rainforests" by Jane Hinchey
  • "A Focus on Dry Forest and Woodlands" by Jane Hinchey
  • "Electricity and Modern Technology" by John Lesley
  • "Surrounded by Chemicals" by John Lesley
  • "Marvellous Magnets" by John Lesley
  • "Invisible Forces" by John Lesley
  • "Turn Up the Heat" by John Lesley
  • "It's Alive" by John Lesley
  • "What's That Sound" by John Lesley
  • "Earth is My Home" by John Lesley
  • "The Solar System" by John Lesley
  • "Weather and Climate" by John Lesley
  • "Light, Rainbows and Lasers" by John Lesley
  • "A World of Materials" by John Lesley
  • "Health and Disease From Birth to Old Age" - Your Body For Life Series (this book I read to Monkey)
  • "Flow Chart Science: Electricity" by Louise Spilsbury
  • "Flow Chart Science: Forces" by Mary Colson
  • "Flow Chart Science: Sound" by Louise Spilsbury
  • "Core and Crust" by Annabel Griffin
  • "Rocks and Fossils" by Annabel Griffin
  • "Ecosystems" by Annabel Griffin
  • "Weather and Climate" by Annabel Griffin
  • "Natural Resources" by Annabel Griffin
  • "The Big Bang and Beyond" by Michael Bright
  • "How the Borks Became" by Jonathan Emmett
  • "The Secret Life of Genes: Decoding the Blueprint of Life" by Derek Harvey (this book I read to Monkey)

Munchkin: These books were read individually to him as part of his water cycle unit study which Monkey already studied when he was in Year 7

  • "Water Cycles: The Source of Life From Start to Finish by DK Publishing
  • "Amazing Rivers" by Julie Vosburgh Arione


Munchkin: I read the following books aloud to Munchkin for History this term:

  • "Egyptworld" by Stella Caldwell
  • "The Legend of Tutankhamun" by Sally Morgan
  • "Mangy Mummies, Menacing Pharaohs and the Awful Afterlife" by Kay Barnham
  • "Horrible Jobs in Ancient Egypt" by Robyn Hardyman
  • "Female Pharaohs Wore False Beards" by Kay Barnham
  • "The Story of Tutankhamun" by Isabel Greenberg
  • "Schools and Education" by Rachel Dixon
  • "Transport: From Walking to Space Travel" by Rachel Dixon
  • "Toys and Games" by Rachel Dixon
  • "Food and Cooking" by Rachel Dixon
  • "Explore Ancient Greeks" by Jane Bingham
  • "The Greeks are Coming" by Paul Mason
  • "Discover Ancient Civilisations: Ancient Greece" by Anita Ganeri
  • "Ancient Greece"
  • "Technology in Ancient Greece" by Charlie Samuels
  • "Horrible Jobs in Ancient Greece and Rome" by Robyn Hardyman
  • "Spartans" by Rupert Matthews

Monkey: We focused primarily on World War I during Term Two. We have a couple of other short history units to study besides the world wars, so we will likely tackle one of those smaller units in term three or term four as we begin to wrap up our studies of World War I. This term I chose to focus on two aspects of our WWI studies... a specific battle (I cheated and chose two) and also a quick look at prisoners of war, and the book I chose highlighted more wars than just the first world war but I'll have to be satisfied with that. We'll focus more on POWs in WWII anyway. You will see one book title at the end of this list that isn't war focused... that is the start of a mini unit on internal Australian exploration in colonial days which we'll continue in Term Three.

I read the following books aloud to Monkey for History this term:

  • "Australia and the First World War, 1914-1918" by A.K. Macdougall
  • "Australia at War" by John & Jennifer Barwick
  • "World War I: the Australian Experience" by Michael Andrews
  • "Another Mouth to Feed: Children in War and The Depression 1900-1945"
  • "My Gallipoli" by Ruth Starke
  • "Anzacs at Gallipoli: Creating a Legend" by Jane Pearson
  • "Gallipoli: Reckless Valor" by Nicolas Brasch
  • "The Anzacs at Gallipoli: Scarecrow Army" by Leon Davidson
  • "Endurance: Stories of Australians in Wartime Captivity" by Karen Huckstepp
  • "Victory at Villers-Bretonneux: Why the French Town Will Never Forget the ANZACS" by Peter Fitzsimons
  • "Armistice" by Ruth Starke
  • "Exploring Australia" by Joel Weston


Munchkin and Monkey:

We read the following books as part of their Geography studies this term:

  • "Migrations: A History of Where We All Come From" by DK Publishing
  • Jackie French picture book natural disaster series titles including: "Flood", "Fire", "Drought", "Cyclone", "Pandemic", "Earthquake", "Plague", "Tornado"
  • "Secrets of the Saltmarsh" by Clair Saxby
  • I'm a Global Citizen series - titles including: "Caring For the Environment", "Rules for Everyone", "Human Rights", "We're All Equal", and "Culture and Diversity"
  • "Unequal Planet" by Anna Claybourne
  • Australian Geographic Geography Series by Ellen Rykers - titles including: "Indigenous Cultures", "Custodians of the Land", "Places and Spaces", "Importance of the Environment", "Human Influence", "Flood and Bushfires", "Around the Globe", "Global Connections", and "Resources and Waste"
  • "Earth" by Anthony William (Elemental Earth Series)
  • "Water" by Anthony William
  • "Air" by Anthony William
  • "Fire" by Anthony William


Ultimately Monkey will have separate books for his geography units, but at the moment I'm enjoying that there is a fair bit of overlap and crossover for the two boys.



German: (Monkey)

Monkey is finished with "Getting Started with German". He is using the Duolingo app on his phone as well as a German language course on YouTube to further his German language learning. I need to do some further research to find more suitable resources for him later this year and into next year.

Creative Arts ~ Drawing: (Monkey)

Monkey has chosen creative arts for his second elective with an obvious focus on drawing and painting. I don't direct much work for him with this elective, he simply draws or paints when the mood hits him. As I find videos or books that I think will interest him in these areas I point them in his direction. I respect his privacy where his drawing in concerned and will ask him to select a few of his recent projects that he would be willing to showcase on the blog.

Spanish: (Munchkin)

Munchkin chose to learn Spanish as one of his electives this year as he is not allowed to study two different Technology subjects at the same time (see further explanation below). This was a great choice as I am also working on improving my Spanish skills so I am working with him. We are using "Getting Started with Spanish" (workbook) and also using the Duolingo app on our respective phones. This will suit Munchkin for now and if he chooses to continue Spanish further into his high school years I will find more difficult curriculum for him.

Food Technology: (Munchkin)

I am so excited about this choice. It isn't just cooking and baking, but ever so much more to do with all things food related. I am really enjoying sourcing and reading books about the history and cultural aspects of food. This is going to be a fun elective for him - especially since he LOVES to cook and bake. 

We read the following books as part of his Food Technology Elective:

  • "A Timeline of Australian Food: From Mutton to Masterchef" by Jan O'Connell
  • "Foraging to Supermarkets: A Timeline of Food" by  Cath Senker
  • "Food and Farming" by Steve Parker
  • "From Farm to Table" by Richard & Louise Spilsbury
  • "The Food We Eat" by Georgia Amson-Bradshaw
  • "Food and Farming" by John Baines
  • "Jobs in Food Production" by Peter Turner
  • "The Story of Food" by DK Publishing

He also wanted to do the Agricultural Technology elective (all about farming) but as I mentioned before they aren't allowed to study two technologies simultaneously. So Munchkin will either need to alternate these two electives each year, or study and EXTRA elective that doesn't technically "count" for school as far as the Department of Education is concerned. For now, Munchkin has decided to put the Agriculture Technology on hold.

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