Saturday, February 23, 2019

Term One: Week Four ~ Caterpillars, Cocoons, Butterflies and Spiders

This turned out to be a very science focused week. Our captive caterpillar suddenly climbed up into the neck of our bug catcher. When we opened the lid and looked carefully, we could see lots of little bits of thread so we knew he was preparing to go into his cocoon.

Monster spent several mornings (though these photos are all from one particular morning) learning how to play his new game from a close friend of ours. 

Later in the week we discovered the cocoon in the bug catcher. 

Puzzle progress... 

The boys were fascinated to discover that the cocoon darkened over time. 

Early morning schoolwork for Monkey and Munchkin. We continue with the rule that if you get up early, you complete your written work BEFORE you have lots of free time. 

The boys started a notebooking page about the caterpillar. 

More puzzle progress... evening routine is going well so Monster works on his puzzle while I read aloud to him. 

We spotted a beautiful butterfly on Thursday as we walked to the library. 

Still more puzzle progress... 

Finally, we spotted this gorgeous spider as we walked to the bus stop to catch the bus to homeschool group on Friday morning. 

Munchkin goes through phases where he likes to check out board books from the library... 

 History read alouds for Monkey...

 Science/geography read alouds for Monster...

Monster and I continue our Medieval History unit... 

 Munchkin was beyond excited when he discovered he could independently read this series...

Munchkin's first literature read aloud selection finished for the year... 

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Term One: Week Three ~ Puzzles, Birthday Celebrations, and Books

It has been an interesting week. LOTS of puzzle progress, celebrating the Monster turning 13, and reading lots and lots of books. Much schoolwork was done as well, I just didn't photograph any of it.

Sunday night Monster finally finished this puzzle. It seemed he had been working on it for AGES, but in reality, he took a LONG break from working on it. 

He promptly started a new puzzle... another 1000 piece one. 

During the day, we also started the 1500 piece puzzle that Grandma sent the family for Christmas. 

The birthday boy... getting ready for cake! 

More puzzle progress... 

Some independent (easy) reading for Monster, but these looked interesting after our mini unit study on John Flynn and the Royal Flying Doctors Service. 

History read aloud for Monkey... 

Munchkin continues to make progress with the Fitzroy early reader books. 

 History read alouds for Monkey (left) and Monster (right).

We're working hard to wrap up our unit study on light... 

Now that they are older, both Monster and Monkey prefer to read non-fiction books for their PRC selections. 

More non-fiction evening read aloud selections. The medieval book and the deforestation book were part of Monster's study, while I read the Farming book to both older boys.