Saturday, September 17, 2022

Term Three: Week Nine ~ Photo Dump

This week I took lots and LOTS of photos. So sit back, enjoy a cup of tea/coffee, and browse the many photos that represent this week in our life and learning.

These beautiful flowers are blooming in the gardens in front of our church. I LOVE them and look forward to photographing them every spring. The boys enjoy watching the bees collect nectar and pollen too as the flowers are almost always covered in bees. This particular day it was a bit windy, so less bees, but much more difficult from a photography point of view. I'm quite pleased with the photos I managed to shoot after church.

Later on that day (Sunday) at home, we discovered this massive (and very healthy) Blue Tongue Lizard lounging around on our back verandah. I grabbed my phone (as it was closest) and started snapping whatever shots I could get while the lizard wove in and out of the wheels of the pram.

The lizard paused for a rest when I took the right hand photo and we were able to determine that he/she is at least 30 centimetres in length from head to tip of tail. Also, Monster did some quick research using Google and we THINK this is a female - so Munchkin has named her "Lizzy" and we'll refer to her as female from now on. We got a close look at her and she has NO injuries and a good length tail that hasn't been lost recently.

She spent quite a lot of time basking in the sun in front of the air conditioner unit on the back verandah and it was then that we learned she is not too concerned about humans. We were able to sneak quite close to her for better photographs provided we moved slowly and were very quiet. Our other two lizards, both of whom are injured, are much more skittish around humans and won't let us get close at all.

Later that evening I headed into our front garden to photograph the flowers growing below our mailbox again. Yes, I included too many in this blog post, but I couldn't pick my favourites.

The book on the left was a new series our library ordered and I was really excited about it. However, after bringing it home and reading it, I discovered this series isn't really well suited for our family. The books are aimed at younger children (maybe Year 1 - Year 3) so weren't all that appropriate even for Munchkin. But at least I can suggest the books to friends of ours with younger children. Despite the book being below my boys learning levels, we still gleaned some useful information so all was not lost in the reading of the book...

As it is week nine, and MANY of our books are at capacity for renewal periods, we did a LOT of reading and finished up lots of books that we were currently working on. We will finish up a few more next week, but I had to simply return some books, which I'll borrow again for Term 4 so we can finish up some of the series we've been working through.

Fun picture books!
I was THRILLED to discover that our library has "Millions of Cats" as it is a book I read and re-read as a child. It was so much fun to share the book with the boys and re-live some of my childhood. The book on the right was weird... that is all I can say about it really!

With the news of the Queen's death, Monkey immediately started on this drawing project and spent an evening and most of the next day working on it...

The finished product... he isn't all that happy with it, mainly because he regrets shading her face, but I am impressed with his growth and progress where portraits are concerned... He has really improved!

This is a portrait of Steve Irwin he drew for me for my birthday back in January. His ability to draw realistic facial features has really improved in just eight months time so I will look forward to seeing how much more he improves in another eight months time.

Munchkin is just about finished with all his structured written work for the entire term so he has decided to teach himself how to play the recorder.

More pictures of Lizzy warming herself. This mat is black so on overcast days it offers her a bit more warmth than just the concrete.

Munchkin got the idea to give her the ends of his banana (because he doesn't like them) and he was absolutely thrilled when she actually started eating the two pieces he left out for her.

I was just excited to have the opportunity to actually photograph her BLUE tongue!!

It took her a little while, but ultimately she ate both pieces of banana...

And then crawled off to hide in the bush next to our garage door.

Thursday was craft day and Munchkin and his friends had fun creating hand print "flowers"

Friday we got to go to the park to hang out at homeschool group with some of our friends! Munchkin and his best friend had fun burying his best friend's younger brother in the sand.

Meanwhile the BIG boys were enjoying the flying fox! I missed the shot of Monster completely flying off the seat and landing flat on his back on the woodchips!

After awhile the younger kids got there turn and I sort of got a photo of Munchkin flying off the seat and landing on the ground. However, his fall hurt and he was done with the flying fox after that!!

On our walk home we discovered a couple of Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos sitting on the fence of a block of units and they are SO tame (because people feed them) that we were able to get very close for photographs.

I got two walks in this week...

As Munchkin has very little written work left to do this week, AND still no access to screens, he did a LOT of reading... scroll through all these books if you are interested!

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