Lots and lots of life learning this week!!
As I was coming home from a walk one afternoon, I spotted a large Blue Tongue Lizard on the road near the kerb. As I watched he came up off the road and quickly crossed our neighbour's yard and headed for a large bush in front of their house. In the photo above the black arrow is pointing to the lizard. Sadly, because I resized the photo to fit the blog format, you can't see the lizard very well. But the brown, skinny, stick looking thing that is to the left of the black arrow IS the lizard.
He (or she - it is hard to tell gender of Blue Tongue lizards) dove into the bush as I frantically tried to take these photos. I could have probably got better ones if I had my big DSLR camera with me, but I had to make do with the camera on my phone. In the photo above, the lizard is just to the right of the black line and is disappearing into the bush. I'm thrilled that we have lots of lizards in the neighbourhood again.
Lego was the After School Activity at the library this week...
All of our friends were there this week...
Much imaginative building went on...
Everyone got along well and enjoyed themselves.
We were excited to finish reading this book during the week. Like the Bible, this book and its companion (The Moral Compass) take about a year to read from cover to cover.
Our non-fiction read alouds we completed this week...
Below you can browse Munchkin's independent reading choices if you so choose!
And for anyone who is wondering... both Monster and Monkey read independently as well, just not as quickly or voraciously as Munchkin does.
Monster is currently working his way through the Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes so it will be awhile before that book graces a blog post...
I have recently researched Premier's Reading Challenge books that I think Monkey will enjoy AND that our library actually has available, and I've put them on reserve, so in the next few weeks there should be some finished books of Monkey's as well...
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