All three boys read lots of books for their independent reading time. I do not dictate what books they choose for their “free” independent reading time. I keep a list of all the books the boys read in their portfolio for easy review.
Monster: Is no longer participating in Premiere’s Reading Challenge this year as he completed it in Year 9. However, if he finds PRC books in the library that look interesting to him, I’m certain he will pick them up and read them. He is also enjoying reading e-books on his phone - the trick is for him to remember to tell me that he has read them!!
Throughout all of Term Three, Monster has been working his way through The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes. This will take him well into Term Four and possibly all the way to the end of the school year. I don't really worry about sourcing independent reading material for him anymore, other than to make suggestions, as he has shown himself mature enough and capable enough to choose quality reading material.
Monkey: Monkey completed Premier's Reading Challenge for 2022 with a couple of weeks to spare. Any books on the Premier's Reading Challenge list that a student reads from 1st September 2022, will count towards the challenge in 2023, so Monkey is already starting on his reading for next year. By giving himself a full calendar year to read for the challenge, Monkey will be able to tackle appropriate books and give himself the time he needs.
Munchkin: I am returning to my rule of "fluff" reading being primarily for school holidays. During the terms I will work harder to provide challenging and quality reading material for Munchkin. I already have several books in mind for Term Four and I'm looking forward to seeing what he thinks of them when he reads them.
All three boys continue to use the Institute for Excellence in Writing: Teaching Writing Structure and Style curriculum. It allows each boy to work at a level appropriate for their age and ability. It “grows” with the child so to speak. See below for a list of the types of writing each individual boy did during Term Three.
Monster: The Murray-Darling River System (Unit 1/2), The French Revolution (Unit 4/6), The Internet of Things (Unit 7)
Monkey: Act 9:1-19 (Unit 1 - written narration), Spartacus (Unit 4/6), Genesis 27:1-41 (Unit 3 - written narration), Water in Rome (Unit 1), Roman Army (Unit 4/6), Roman Houses (Unit 4/6)
Munchkin: The Murray-Darling River System (Unit 1/2), Acts 9:1-19 (Unit 1 - written narration), Genesis 27:1-41 (Unit 3 - written narration), The Beanstalk (Unit 3), The Squiggle Wiggle (Unit 3), The Three Little Toddle Bottles and the Biggish Bad Thug Jug (Unit 3), The Three Sleep-Sheeps Tuff (Unit 3)
Writing was rather hit and miss AGAIN this term. While all three boys did do SOME writing this term, I don't feel like it was enough, or at least not difficult enough, for any of the three of them. A couple of their writing assignments were quite long and detailed and I was pleased with their effort and the work they produced, but at other times it was lacking. I also let Monkey and Munchkin do their writing primarily unassisted towards the end of the term, which was an excellent way to see what they have a good grasp of, and what areas of their writing ability still need some review and hard work. But again, this is one of the reasons why I put the time into writing up a Term Review at the end of each term, as it lets me see where the gaps are and adjust accordingly the next term.
Monkey: I use the Ozspeller website to choose and create weekly word lists for him. I quiz him orally Monday – Thursday and then he takes a written test on Friday morning. In Term 1 Monkey decided he would like to review the Advanced spelling lists again. Spelling is an optional subject for him and I'm pleased that he is continuing to review this year. In Term 3 Monkey continued to progress through the Advanced spelling lists and he will finish weekly spelling work for his school career when he completes all the lists in the Advanced group.
Munchkin: Term Thre saw Munchkin continuing the second Targeting Spelling workbook. We also continued with the Ozspeller lists, alternating weekly with the unit in the workbook, or a word list from the website. Munchkin's spelling has improved a lot so far this year.
Below are the books I selected to read to the boys for their literature this term. Munchkin’s books were read to all three boys, Monkey’s books were read to Monster as well, and Monster’s books were read only to him.
Munchkin: In Term Three we read the following books: "The Hostile Hospital", "The Carnivorous Carnival", "The Slippery Slope", "The Penultimate Peril" and "The Grim Grotto" by Lemony Snicket. We also read "All Creatures Great and Small" by James Herriot and "The Book of Virtues" by William J Bennett
Monkey: In Term Three we read the following books: "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" by J.K. Rowling
Monster: In Term Three we read the following book: "Cry the Beloved Country" by Alan Paton
** We also started reading "The Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens and "The Three Musketeers" by Alexander Dumas
These two books are taking a long time to read, digest, and enjoy, so likely they will take us to the end of the school year. **
Monkey: I started Season Two of Analytical Grammar with Monkey this term and quickly discovered that I need to brush up on the curriculum before we continue. So we have paused Monkey's grammar curriculum for the time being, and likely won't pick it up again until next year. This will give me ample time to familiarize myself with Seasons 2 and 3 of the program before then.
Munchkin: is not doing any grammar curriculum this year. I have learned that (for our family) grammar is best introduced in the late primary grades or early high school grades. Given that I have had to review spelling rules with Munchkin, I have decided to hold off starting formal grammar lessons with him until he starts high school (Year 7/7th grade).
** For Term 3 I have decided to read "The Word Spy" and "The Return of the Word Spy" both by Ursula Dubosarsky. This was a review for both Monster and Monkey, but not Munchkin. It was a great introduction to grammar for Munchkin and I feel confident that he will be ready for a soft/slow start to our Junior Analytical Grammar curriculum next year. **
Monster: Continued working through his Haese Mathematics Year 11 textbook - Mathematical Methods. Over the course of the term he completed chapters ten through twelve of the textbook covering the following topics: Number Sequences, Statistics and Surds/Indices/Exponentials. This leaves only three chapters in the textbook for the remaining term of this year. I will let Monster make the decision as to whether to get a start on his Year 12 textbook, or wait until the 2023 school year starts in early February.
Monkey: Continued working through his Year 7 Haese Mathematics book, completing chapters three through seven covering the following topics: Real Numbers, Algebraic Operations, Percentage, Laws of Algebra, and Equations.
Munchkin: Continued to work through the Haese Mathematics Year 5 textbook. Over the course of the term he completed chapters seven through twelve. The topics we covered in term were: Time, Measurement: Length and Area, Money, Further Measurement, Probability and Sequences. This leaves only three more chapters in the textbook for Term 4. Likely Munchkin will finish these chapters by mid term at which point he'll review Year 5 content on the Khan Academy website until the end of the year.
For the remaining school subjects I try to teach all three boys together as a group as much as I possibly can. So I will now start listing Munchkin’s work first and work from youngest to eldest boy rather than repeatedly recording the same things.
I rely heavily on our library for quality books to cover the content we study in the remaining subjects. When I am planning a unit study I do a subject search for books and reserve any and all that look like they will be suitable for the boys. I include picture books, junior non-fiction, and I’ve just started including adult non-fiction for both Monkey AND Monster.
Munchkin, Monkey, Monster:
Munchkin, Monkey and Monster: We read the following books this term for their Science Content:
"The Crops We Grow", "The Foods We Eat", "The Energy We Use", "The Stuff We Buy", "The Cities We Live In", and the "Houses We Build" by Georgia Amson-Bradshaw
"Weather of Climate", "Forces of Nature", "Wild Weather" - by various authors please see Weekly Reviews for author names
"Animal Adaptations", "Extraordinary Animals", and "Animal Survival" - Australian Geographic Deadly Science series with various authors
"Plastic Planet" by Georgia Amson-Bradshaw
"African Savannah" and "Amazon Basin" by Simon Chapman
"Volcanoes" and "Tornadoes" - World Book Natural Disaster series
We read the following books this term for their Technology Content:
"Megatall Sky Scrapers and Other City Tech" by William Adams, "Flying Cars and Other Transportation Tech" by William Adams, "Robot Soldiers and Other Military Tech" by Kris Frankhouser, "3D Printing and Other Industrial Tech" by Kris Frankhouser, "Virtual Reality" by Madeline King and "Artificial Intelligence and Other Computer Tech" by Elise Echo Gonzalez
Munchkin: I read the following books aloud to Munchkin for History this term:
"Daisy on the Road" by Michelle Hamer
"Meet Ruby", "Ruby and the Country Cousins", "School Days For Ruby", and "Ruby of Kettle Farm" by Penny Matthews
Monkey: I read the following books aloud to Monkey for History this term:
"Augustus Caesar", "Who Was Julius Caesar?", "Meet the Ancient Romans", "The Roman Gladiators", "The Genius of the Romans", "Gladiators", "Technology in Ancient Rome", "Hard Nuts of History: Ancient Rome", "Ancient Rome in 30 Seconds", "Ancient Rome", "Gods and Goddesses in the Daily Life of the Ancient Romans", "Gory Gladiators, Savage Centurions, and Caesar's Sticky End" "The Best and Worst Jobs in Ancient Rome", "Roman Soldiers", "Rich and Poor in Ancient Rome", "Explore Romans", and "30 Second Ancient Rome"
- All of these books are featured in the Weekly Reviews where you can find a picture of the cover of the book and the author for further information
Monster: I read the following books aloud to Monster for History this term:
"The French Revolution: From Enlightenment to Tyranny" by Ian Davidson - this is an adult non-fiction book and we finished it over the Term 2 school holidays
Munchkin, Monkey, Monster:
We read the following books as part of their Geography studies this term:
"River Story" by Meredith Hooper, "On the River" by Roland Harvey, "Song of the River", "River Food Chains", "Rivers and Lakes", "A River", "Rivers and Coasts"
"The Murray-Darling River System", "Capital City Rivers", "Wild Rivers" and "Dryland Rivers" all by Jane Pearson
"Around the Globe", "Australia's Remarkable Places", "Australian Outback" and "Global Connections"
The Journey of Life Series: "Birth", "Coming of Age", "Marriage" and "Death" all by either Randall Ronne or Sarah Levete
Grow Your Mind Series: "Boost Your Brain" by Alice Harman and "Make Mistakes" by Izzi Howell
Creative Arts:
Latin: (Monster)
Monster is currently working through two Latin textbooks independently. They are Lingua Latina Familia Romana and Lingua Latina Exercitia Latina 1.
Marine and Aquaculture Technology: (Monster)
In Term Three we have been reading "Blowfish's Oceanopedia: 291 Extraordinary Things You Didn't Know About the Sea" by Tom Hird
German: (Monkey)
Monkey is currently working through "Getting Started With German" by William E. Linney. Monkey also practices his German on DuoLingo on his mobile phone.
Creative Arts ~ Drawing: (Monkey)
Monkey has chosen creative arts for his second elective with an obvious focus on drawing and painting. I don't direct much work for him with this elective, he simply draws or paints when the mood hits him. As I find videos or books that I think will interest him in these areas I point them in his direction. I photograph the artwork that he creates and include it in our reporting on the blog. He has also begun his own sketchbook for this year that he will draw/paint in and be prepared to show to our AP when she returns in two years for our registration process.
Monkey has taken a particular interest this year in portraiture. Since January he has drawn a portrait of Steve Irwin, a portrait of President Barack Obama, a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and is currently working on a portrait of Julius Caesar.
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