Saturday, November 27, 2021

Term Four: Week Eight ~ Only Books

 A week of only book photos. This is how things seem to roll at the end of a term...

The boys have discovered that the library has the graphic novels of a TV show that they like to watch. All three boys are enjoying reading these books.

Two read aloud books that we finished this week... The photo on the left was part of a short unit study we did about food and farming... While the photo on the right is a read aloud I finished with Monster only as part of his WWII unit study.

Munchkin's selection of independent, silent, reading books for the week.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Term Four: Week Seven ~ Photography Lapse

Ah yes - the obligatory end of year post where I forget to photograph our school days through the week. SIGH! It happens every year, no matter what I do to try to make sure it doesn't. It is always a timely reminder for all of us to buckle down, work hard, and try to finish the year off a tad early...

Evidence of written, structured schoolwork. Both Monkey and Munchkin are completing notebooking pages each week as we study the Asian neighbour countries of Australia.

The Jacaranda trees are in bloom... it is one of my favourite times of the year. Poor Munchkin suffered an insomniac night (he was awake from 4:30am until nearly 6am) and it really messed him around. So after all his work was done that day, he made himself a little nest of blankets and books on our bed and just relaxed for the afternoon.

Independent reading selections for Munchkin... though both Monkey and Monster are reading the Avatar books as well.

Lots of reading aloud this week and we finished off a bunch of "work in progress" books for several unit studies.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Term Four: Week Six ~ Belated Birthday Celebrations, Broken Bones, and Other Stuff

This week turned out to be a rather interesting and exciting week as it progressed. 

We started the week with a dear friend coming over Tuesday afternoon to celebrate (very belatedly) Monkey's 12th birthday which was back in July. Sadly, he had no party due to the COVID Delta Strain lockdown that we were under at the time. So now that we are allowed to have visitors in our home again, our friend brought delicious food, and wonderful gifts for our son. She blessed him with a variety of art supplies and he was a very happy boy...

He got right to work experimenting and by the end of the week he had his finished completed drawing/painting. He used pencil and ultra fine tip pen to draw the picture and then used the new watercolour paints and nifty brushes to do the painting. The brushes can me filled with water so he doesn't have to continue dipping in a cup of water.

Munchkin working hard on his Malaysia notebooking page... I read aloud the junior non-fiction book on the country (see in book photos below) and then Monkey and Munchkin fill in the notebooking page with the information they learned from the book.

Finally we ended the week with Monster breaking two of his toes. If you can't find the breaks on your own, look for the black arrows I drew pointing to the breaks on his big toe and 2nd toe. He is now the proud owner of a calf length moon boot and his younger brothers are learning a valuable lesson about serving their brother as they fetch things for him.

Munchkin is enjoying the Beast Quest series and the Mighty Robot series.....

Both Monkey and Munchkin are working their way through the complete How to Train Your Dragon series...

Two read alouds we finished this week...

Independent reading for Munchkin...

Junior non-fiction read alouds... both of these series are excellent.

More independent reading for Munchkin...

And a final read aloud selection for the week to finish off a landscapes of Australia mini unit study.