Saturday, December 29, 2018

Summer School Holidays ~ Week Two

With this week being Christmas we didn't venture far from home. Add to that, a heatwave that arrived Boxing Day, and we've been keeping our house closed up, dark and cave like during the day. But Christmas brought presents... and lots of new games... so we are enjoying those and it helps us wait out the heat.

Opening presents... 

Otrio is an AWESOME game... voted one of our favourites rather quickly. I've included a link (just click HERE) so you can learn more. 

Rat-a-Tat Cat is also GREAT! 

Pyramix is another great game and Monster LOVES it!! 

The Christmas t-shirt photo... 

Munchkin enjoying playing with the old Magic Mosaic game from when I was a child. 

Boxing Day night we went out to look at Christmas lights... 

We enjoyed taking some extra fun Christmas photos at one of our FAVOURITE houses of lights!! 

Monkey spent a bit of time one evening trying to work out how to play the solitaire marble game. 

We even squeezed in some reading... despite all the busy days and late nights!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Summer School Holidays ~ Week One

Our summer school holidays are off to a great start.

Monday morning we were off to the library again. I needed to sort out the renewal of my library card, the boys wanted to try out the new computers, and we needed to get more information about the summer reading challenge! The two photos above are of the beautiful new computer room. TWELVE computers (instead of just five) and fast internet speeds. The boys are in heaven. 

Tuesday was our postponed end of year homeschool group Christmas party get together. It was windy and cool(ish) but the boys didn't care. They begged to go in the water. 

 Thanks to my friend Jodi teaching us the proper way to play Othello, we enjoyed playing the game at home this past week!

Thursday is still our "normal" library day so we packed up all the books we were ready to return, and headed there again. For those of you who may be wondering, the new library is only 300 metres further down the road from the old library, so still within walking distance for us.  This is the beautiful new children's section and above where the boys are sitting is the study area. When we go to the library next week I'll try to take some "photo tour" type pictures to give a better idea of the layout! 

The excitement of Friday was the storm system that arrived late in the afternoon. This is the size hail we got (for all of about one minute) but other suburbs got poached egg and cricket ball sized hail - which brought wide spread damage to roofs and cars! I am EVER so thankful that we mostly got rain and LOTS of thunder and lightning! 

We finished off the week with more games... Monster and I played a couple games of Codenames, and daddy played several games of Blokus will all three boys!! 

 We read a LOT of books this week. The boys and I worked through a stack of Christmas picture books... all three boys finished some independent reading for the summer reading challenge at the library... and Monster and I finished an EXCELLENT book about how the Aboriginals managed and cultivated this land before 1788!