Sunday, May 8, 2022

Books I'm Currently Reading ~ Term Two: Week Three


This is the top shelf of the bookcase that serves as my "nightstand" and so on the right hand side I've decided to "shelve" all my books that I'm currently reading. YES, I am currently reading TEN books all at the same time. But I can't help myself. I NEVER read only one book at a time, but even I will admit that I'm pushing myself to my limits. However, there are many reasons WHY I read so many at once. I don't always know how much time I'll have to read at night before I go to sleep - if it isn't long than Bryce Courtnay is utterly out of the question because his chapters are LONG. If I'm super tired then one of my non-fiction titles might be too hard to focus on so a light-heart novel is the way to go. In reading SO many books at once, I know no matter what my situation I will always have a book I can read. I try NEVER to turn my light off without having read a chapter of something.

I think I will always post a photo of my "currently reading" books on my nightstand each time I post about new books that I'm reading.

Since I started reading "All Creatures Great and Small" to the boys, I decided to read a biography about James Herriot independently. It was only at the beginning of this year that I made the decision (especially now that the boys are older) to tie some of my independent reading into topics that they are learning about. I have this biography and also a memoir that was written by his son, so I'm excited to see what I learn about the man through reading both of the books.

I returned to library books on Thursday that I had finished last week, and picked up both of these that were waiting for me on reserve. Both were rather spontaneous reserves and though I've only read the first chapter of each book so far, I'm really excited about both of them. The book in the left-hand photo was a "suggestion" from a podcast I listened to last weekend, and the book on the right was one of my to-read lists that I keep and was updating (I think it was my 1000 Books to Read Before You Die)...

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