Saturday, April 22, 2023

Books I'm Currently Reading

I thought I would give my readers a glimpse into the books I'm currently reading (or have recently finished)... 

My very fist Colleen McCullough book and it did NOT disappoint. It took me nearly a year to read this book as I admit I got a bit bogged down with all the Roman names and took a break. But I picked it back up and quickly found it hard to put down. Upon finishing the book I've discovered that it is actually book four in a series of seven books. I own book seven, but sadly the library only has book four and book seven, so I will have to start scouring the op shops and second hand bookstores. I don't think I want to back track and read books 1-3 necessarily, but I DEFINITELY want to read the next two books in the series before I read the last book.

Despite the length of this book (Bryce Courtenay doesn't believe in writing short books) I read this book quickly. The storyline was confronting at the best of times, but also completely absorbing and thought provoking. I always come away from Bryce's books in a pensive mode and have to contemplate the book for quite awhile before I read another one.

Julie Andrews second autobiography all about he time working in Hollywood, up to just before the Broadway release of Victor/Victoria. It was so interesting to learn more about her marriage and parenting years, as well as secrets and behind the scene news of Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music. She is an amazing woman and I enjoyed both of the books. I do wish she would write a third book, but I think maybe her writing days are over (at least of adult books).

Book three of the Miss Lily series... I am enjoying this book, and the series, but I don't find it nearly as captivating or as engrossing as the Matilda Saga books - they will forever be my favourites.

This was a lovely, Australian based, modern retelling of The Prodigal Son story from the Bible. It would be a great book for a new Christian or a struggling Christian and it gave me a great way to balance the heavier information and content of the Bryce Courtenay book and the Colleen McCullough book.

Finally, I'm still steadily working my way through the Anne of Green Gables series for the first time in my life. This is book six of the eight in the series and I am enjoying it.

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