Saturday, April 22, 2023

Book Selection ~ Term One: Week One

I am no longer sure how frequently I will do these "upcoming books" blog posts. I'm slowly realising that as the boys get older, and I read longer, more complicated books to them, it just isn't feasible to read the volume of books that we have been reading up to this point. So here are the books we are going to start reading at the beginning of Term Two...

Monkey is starting an Ancient China unit study so I reserved these two books from the library to start off with. They are both adult non-fiction and offer a great overview of the time period.

I also borrowed several junior non-fiction books about various aspects of Ancient Chinese life and Monkey will be using these to help him with his writing assignments for the term. I have changed things up a bit and will expect him to read the books independently and then write take the appropriate notes and write his paper.

When we study ancient societies I always look for a book of folk tales or traditional stories from the time period. This looks to be an enjoyable book.

I'm continuing to read this series on maths to Munchkin. It is a good series, but a bit juvenile for him considering he is in year six now and headed into high school level studies next year.

History selections for Munchkin... 
The left photo is another book in a long series the library has. There are twelve books total in the series and all three boys are enjoying all the information that is simply jam packed into these books. They are a great overview for each time period and would be a great way to pick specific points of history to dig into deeper.

The right photo is a book I noticed at the library a year or so ago and finally decided to borrow and read aloud to Munchkin. It is a great way to learn more about the innovations of Australia's indigenous people.

Read aloud selections for Monster...
I decided to read John Steinbeck's "The Pearl" aloud to Monster. It has been decades since I read the book so I thought I would enjoy it with him, even though he could easily have read the story independently in one afternoon.
The right hand photo is part of his WWII unit study. Nancy Wake was a spy during the war. We've read a junior non-fiction book about her and always wanted to learn more about her so were excited to find this biography that has also been written about her.

Left Photo: Literature selection for Munchkin - "The Magician's Elephant" by Kate diCamillo
Right Photo: When doing some research on ANZAC books for our annual ANZAC Day picture book read aloud, I stumbled across this adult non-fiction book about the history of the ANZAC biscuit. Munchkin is interested in food, cooking, and baking, so he asked me to read it aloud to him rather than just independently to myself.

Literature for Monkey... we didn't quite finish "The Fellowship of the Ring" in Term One so we're continuing into Term Two. We only have a few chapters left so we'll be into book two before too much longer. 

I'm glad I opted to read these books aloud rather than attempt them independently to myself. I have been wanting to read The Lord of the Rings series for years but knew that I would struggle with concentration but reading it aloud solves that problem and I'm loving the books.

More books that we are continuing from Term One. Both are mainly for Monkey. These are excellent reads and we highly recommend them to everyone. In fact, I personally believe that "Let the Land Speak" should be required reading for all Australian senior high students.


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