Saturday, April 29, 2023

Term Two: Week One ~ Extended Holidays

Public School students in NSW started Term Two on Wednesday as Monday was Pupil Free Day (teacher inservice) and Tuesday was a public holiday for ANZAC Day. Originally I was going to start our term officially on Wednesday as well, but then a good friend arranged to come over Wednesday afternoon to bring belated birthday gifts for both Monster and Munchkin and it was at that point that I decided to just give us all an additional week of holidays and start fresh and ready on Monday of week two.

Monday was Pupil Free Day and Munchkin attended an all day Lego day at an Anglican church a few suburbs away. Friends drove him there and brought him home, leaving me free to plan a fun day with the two older boys. We walked to a neighbouring suburb to do some much needed shopping for necessary clothing. But first off, to feed these boys...

Rather than give our money to the large chain fast food joints, we chose an independently owned burger restaurant that we have liked in the past. The ownership has changed so the menu is slightly different, but we were well pleased with our choice. The staff were helpful and friendly, the price was equal to or slightly less expensive than the major chains represented in the shopping centre, and the food was TASTY. Also, the quantity of food was amazing. As you can see from the above photos, Monster can barely get his mouth around the burger, and neither boy finished their meal. They also really liked the special seasoning that was on the chips. We gave them an amazing Google review and intend to recommend them to all our friends. From now on, whenever we go to the shopping centre, we intend to give them our business.

The many faces of teenage boys...

Tuesday was ANZAC day so in the morning Munchkin and I got busy baking some biscuits...

We used a recipe we haven't used in the past and hoped for the best.

Our ANZAC Day selection of biscuits and books for 2023. I always buy a packet of biscuits from the shops as well because part of the proceeds go towards the RSL clubs. We enjoyed biscuits, hot chocolate, and an afternoon read aloud.

As the boys are getting older I limit our selection of books to any new books we haven't read before (like the above book entitled "ANZAC Biscuits") and our absolute favourites. We were saddened this year to discover that one of our all-time favourites ("Do Not Forget Australia" by Sally Murphy) is no longer available for borrowing. No one could really tell me why - could have been stolen, damaged, or lost - and the boys are old enough that it isn't worth my while to purchase the book new for our home library. 

Biscuits, books and hot chocolate... a perfect combination.

I spent time on ANZAC Day working on my puzzle and made some progress...

Monkey read these two book independently this week... he is working his way through the How to Train Your Dragon books and then he will read the Wizards of Once series.

More progress on my puzzle...

Pancake and bacon brunch on Wednesday. We didn't get to have pancakes and bacon on Munchkin's birthday because we were camping and had to be packed up and out of the site by 10am, and since our friend was coming in the afternoon for the belated birthday celebration it seemed fitting to do the belated birthday breakfast on Wednesday as well.

Monster opening his card, gift certificate, and pens from our friend...

Munchkin enjoying opening his gifts...

Munchkin's foot is healing and thus peeling...

I got bitten by the organising bug and decided to reorganise all my books. It was actually good to do this because they all needed a wipe down, and I downsized my collection ever so slightly as I determined I was not ever going to read three of the books I own. Sadly, I forgot to take photos after I completed the process...

Thursday it was back to the library for the After School Activities - Lego this week!

More puzzle progress as I spent a good portion of Friday working on it.

The beautiful sunrise that greeted me Saturday morning.

Two walks this week - the one on the left represents all the walking the boys and I did Monday when we walked to the shopping centre, did all our shopping, and then walked home.

Munchkin's independent reading for the week.


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