Our second week of the April school holidays was a week of recovery after the excitement of our family camping trip in the first week.
We started out the week with a special luncheon after church on Sunday to celebrate our pastor turning 65 years old. We saw lots of people we haven't seen in years and enjoyed SO much delicious food. There was so much leftover food that we took six boxes of food home with us. It was a wonderful way to begin our week.
Munchkin spent a day sorting through a random (large) bag of his Legos looking for specific pieces he needed for some building projects he wanted to try.
Initially when we got home, his foot wound looked okay, but unfortunately it quickly started to look like we had a problem on our hands...
This was what it looked like Monday morning so I rang the doctor and quickly made an appointment for Tuesday morning. Sadly, this meant he missed out on Bingo at the library, but the good news is, this is the first infection he has had to deal with in over a year, so his immune system has improved greatly in general.
He loves his beanie from our pastor's wife so much that he almost NEVER takes it off. Good thing it is already cold enough at night for him to wear it to bed.
I had a good chunk of time one day this week to work on my puzzle... of course I left the hardest parts for last.
Our friends stopped by quickly one morning to drop off some surprise gifts and have a quick visit. Immediately Monkey and his bestie sat down for a game of chess...
You know the new term is about to begin when the librarians have to put all my reserves in their own separate stack!! This is most of what we need to get us started - though I have a few other books we'll need about halfway through the term.
Munchkin managed to attend ONE library school holidays event this April - tin can car craft.
Meanwhile the older boys spent time enjoying VR with their bestie...
Mixing up a batch of double chocolate cupcakes for a belated friends birthday get together at the park on Friday...
The foot is finally healing...
Fun at the park with our friends... these guys came up with a way to play one of their favourite computer games "live and in person" and I was impressed.
Group photo after the singing of Happy Birthday...
The facial expressions are HILARIOUS!
I stopped at the Salvation Army store...
The red book on the bottom of this stack was purchased while we were camping, but the other three were treasures I found this week. My rule is I TRY not buy books unless the library doesn't have them.
Saturday afternoon I had a tele-conference with our family doctor and sent him these two photos via text message. He was pleased with the progress but also wanted to see how the healing continued once Munchkin finished his course of oral antibiotics so we scheduled an in-person review appointment for Wednesday morning of the following week (two days post medication).
Independent reading for Munchkin this week - he was happy to be home and have access to more books.
I got four days of decent walking in this week as well.
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