Saturday, December 3, 2022

Term Four: Week Eight ~ Creative Ventures

As we get closer to the end of the term and also the end of the school year, the boys are finding that they have more time for creative ventures. It warms my heart when I see proof that life long learning is a part of their mind set - it means this homeschool decision and journey is/was WELL worth it.

I put this five book set on reserve AGES ago and FINALLY it arrived. Munchkin loves the series and devoured all five books in as many days. It is "advertised" as being a book series for people who LOVE Series of Unfortunate Events and Munchkin tells me that is NOT wrong. It was well worth the long wait and I imagine Munchkin will be borrowing this set of books frequently and regularly.

We finished off the Marly series and have thus seen the end of our days of reading the Our Australian Girl books. These were a wonderful addition to our history studies over the years and I would highly recommend them to other families - of both boys and girls.

Munchkin did TWO long writing assignments on frogs over the past couple of weeks. One on frogs in general, followed by another specific to the Water Holding Frog species. I decided a third writing assignment was needed - a narrative of the story of Tiddalick. So I read the book aloud to all three boys this week.

Continuing with our non-fiction titles as we finish up our last unit studies for the year...

As this week saw the first of December we began one of our favourite Christmas traditions. We read a Christmas picture book every day from the first of December until Christmas. After many years, we have loved this SO much, and have discovered so many Christmas picture books that we MUST read, that we now read every day from the first of December until the sixth of January. Sometime in early January I will do a dedicated blog post about all the books with more information about each book, so watch out for that post next year if you are in the market for new Christmas picture books for your home library.

We finished this book as part of Munchkin's literature curriculum for the year. The boys and I really enjoyed the book. I'm not sure I'll be able to convince them to watch the movie though.

Monster finished this MASSIVE book this week. He has been steadily working through it all term long, which is why no independent reading for him has been showcased on the blog until now. This was a GREAT find at the BIG Salvation Army op-shop last year.

Munchkin and I got to work potting the beautiful purple flower plant (I can't remember the name even though I asked at church recently) he propagated from church.

A couple of "repeat" photos taken with my phone camera...

Now comes the hard part... waiting to see if it survives the potting, grows, and flowers.

Munchkin had some fun with Legos this week... he looked up a bunch of building tutorials on YouTube and got to work constructing this cool house.

Monster and hubby have a big project of their own going... they are keen to get a six foot freshwater fish tank up and running. Together they have sanded and painted the stand that the tank will sit on. This project with his dad will very much count as his major project for his Marine and Aquaculture elective for this year and next year. Once the tank it put together properly and full of fish, it will be Monster's responsibility to clean and care for the fish and the tank.

Even though it is officially summer - the temperatures are WAY cooler than what is normal for Sydney this time of year and therefore I am enjoying making large batches of soup in Phillip. It is a great way to make a nutritious and filling meal and also use up the "sad" veggies in the fridge that would otherwise likely end up in the bin.

The library After School Activity this week was a Rainbow Serpent craft which Munchkin and his friend really enjoyed. They had a lovely chat while they coloured.

Our last homeschool group for the term/year was at one of our favourite parks. Here some of the little boys are having fun playing with a car ramp that one of them brought to share.

Meanwhile the big boys are discovering that as they grow taller it is more difficult to climb up the rope ladder tubes (LEFT PHOTO) and the medium sized kiddos enjoyed some fun on the spider swing (RIGHT PHOTO)...

Our tomato plant has fruit on it... now to see if it ripens and can be eaten.

Monkey and Munchkin have had some "extra" homework for Sunday School lately. This first assignment was to go through the Bible and pick out five verses that they particularly liked, write them down in their neatest and nicest handwriting, and then pick their favourite and tell why it is their favourite. This really stretched their brains and it was interesting to see the different ways the two boys tackled the assignment, as well as the verses they chose.

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