Saturday, November 14, 2020

Term Four: Week Five ~ Trampoline Time, Homeschool Group, and Books

The halfway point of the term and no library book photo. So we'll dive right into the photos from the week. We enjoyed some outdoor time, another homeschool group catch-up (as we slowly start to be more social) and reading... always lots and lots of reading!

Monster spent a couple of nights working on his puzzle and the progress really shows!!

Munchkin enjoyed some time jumping on the trampoline... we've had several hot days, so getting out for daily exercise gets a little bit trickier.

The wonderful thing about the friendships we have forged in homeschool group, is that even after a chunk of time of not seeing each other, we all slip easily into the get togethers, as if we've not spent time away. The big boys immediately gathered at a picnic table and spent the day playing board games together.

A HUGE storm built up while we were playing and we eventually had to ring my husband to come pick us up because eventually the heavens opened and the rain poured down. But the storm clouds were just beautiful as they were building...

The children just kept playing... here the younger crew had fun on the swings and the scooters

Munchkin enjoyed reading and re-reading the Tom Gates books...

Monster's literature read aloud that we finished this week... we both enjoyed this story.

More independent reading for Munchkin...

Two books I read aloud to all three boys... finding out how Katherine Johnson assisted Apollo 13 was fantastic and we ALWAYS enjoy learning cool things about the human body.

Some wonderful WWI read alouds that Monster and I enjoyed... these two authors are favourites or ours and whenever we are studying a non-fiction topic we ALWAYS look for books by these authors because we KNOW they will be informative and wonderfully written.

Two more read aloud titles for all three boys... we HIGHLY recommend Ms Bixby's Last Day! If you haven't read this book, do yourself a favour and find a copy of it! It is hilarious and emotional, and I believe it will touch you deeply.

Monster really enjoyed this book... it is part of a series so he promptly requested that the library order the books that weren't already available!!

Another huge collection of Munchkin's independent reading... he is the voracious and speedy reader in the family... it also helps that he is the extreme morning person and has roughly 1-2 hours in the morning to read before his brothers make their appearance.

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