Saturday, January 18, 2020

School Holidays: Week Five ~ The Rain Finally Arrives

The rain FINALLY arrived this week!
We also enjoyed some school holiday events at the library, some nature walks, and board games. And then we sat back and enjoyed the glorious rain!! 

Munchkin and I tried to go on a nature walk on the boardwalk through the wetlands... 

 First of all we got sidetracked by the spiders we discovered...

Then we got to the boardwalk and discovered we couldn't go any further because the boardwalk was flooded. We had a super high tide because of the full moon as the rain hadn't arrived yet... 

On the 13th of January the boys and I discovered about a dozen Black Cockatoos in the tree across the road. They were sitting and eating and chattering away to each other. When Black Cockatoos are around and chatting with each other it means rain is 48-72 hours away. So we photographed them and then waited patiently... 

 We enjoyed a games morning at the library... The boys especially enjoyed playing The Minecraft Card Game as well as Exploding Kittens!

A lazy afternoon reading and relaxing... 

Monkey created his own Minecraft game and it is really clever... I enjoyed playing the game with him one afternoon! 

We spent an afternoon playing Mexican Trains after a refresher to relearn the game when we visited our friends the week before! 

And then on Wednesday the rain arrived...

We finished off the week with a mini-book craft event at the library...

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