Sunday, June 2, 2024

Term Two: Week Five ~ The Halfway Point

The halfway point of the term - not quite sure how that happened - but here we are.
The week started out with glorious weather and a family outing Sunday after church. As a combined event to celebrate getting a job (and a first paycheck) and as a belated Mother's Day celebration as well, Monster treated the family to lunch in the city. Guzman y Gomez is a restaurant I've wanted to try for years now, is was recommended to Monster, and also hubby did some IT work there MANY years ago as well.
So, after church we headed into the city...

The restaurant is right around the corner from the iconic Coke sign so after we ordered, and while we waited for our food to arrive, Monkey and I took a walk. I didn't have my DSLR camera with me, but I'm pretty pleased with my efforts on my phone.

Two lovely young French gentlemen, who were also dining that afternoon, graciously agreed to take a family photo for us after we finished eating.

The decorations inside the restaurant are colourful and amazing.

I was impressed with the restaurant. We received excellent service, the serving sizes were much larger than other "fast food" restuaraunts, the food was delicious and of high quality, and the atmosphere was pleasant as well. Our family vote was that it was a great day out and we would visit this restaurant again. 

Munchkin spent some time this week learning how to use the NES we borrowed from one of our "bonus" libraries. He couldn't figure out how to get the sound to work, but aside from that, he liked the games that were available to play, and he looks forward to more play time over the next few weeks. As both Mario Bros and Pac-Man are loaded on this particular NES, I intend to spend a little bit of time playing it as well.

Munchkin and I went for a few walks for the sake of walking this week - as opposed to our normal walks which generally involve a trip to the shopping centre for groceries. Although the weather has been dry and sunny for well over a week, if you look carefully, there are still mushrooms to be found.

During one trip to the shopping centre, Munchkin carefully chose and purchased another small Lego set he has been wanting. That afternoon, as I read aloud to him, he enjoyed building, and then modifying, the set.

Another afternoon of fun at the park... this time it was just a quick visit on the way home after actually walking to one of the local "free little libraries" to look for good books (I picked up three)... the ducks and geese were out in force.

During one of the walks with Munchkin, I remembered to take my DSLR camera with me. He wasn't too keen to stop heaps for photographs, so I will need to go out on a walk alone if I really want to concentrate on my photography. However, for the few minutes that I had to compose these photographs, I'm pretty happy. I have missed my photography and will be make more time to concentrate on this hobby in the future.

Though I would have liked to have finished more books this week, I'm pleased with the time we spent reading. I borrowed this wonderful set of books from the library and we will work through all the various titles. In reading the entire series, we will cover numerous curriculum content suggestions for both boys. I am thankful that our library works hard to order quality, up-to-date science series for us to use for our learning and enjoyment.

I finished these two wonderful poetry compilation books. They are very different writers and when combined, their poems give such a wonderful illustration of life in the bush during that time in history. I am thrilled to finally be doing this mini unit study with the boys. We will continue with a collection of short stories written by Henry Lawson.

Two more junior non-fiction series we started this week. The one on the left is purely for interest sake whilst the one on the right satisfies science content for both boys. They are quality books and we're looking forward to the rest in the series.

Finally, I finished reading this amazing book with Munchkin as part of his Food Technology elective. It is a DK publication and therefore quite wonderful - the boys and I have YET to find a DK book that hasn't been well worth the time they take to read. This book was a wealth of historical information about all the food we eat, and we learned so much as we journeyed through the pages. I highly recommend this to anyone interested in learning everything and more about food.

Saturday was an indoor day. The weather changed over the course of Friday and by late Saturday morning rain arrived. It poured off and on over the remainder of the day (we frequently checked the street for flash flooding) and there was even a thunderstorm in the evening. What a way to kick off the first day of winter. 
After getting my school planning work done in the morning I spent a majority of the afternoon and evening sorting through the books I own trying to match more of them to the 52 Book Challenge lists I've printed out. Meanwhile, Munchkin pulled out a bunch of his Legos, and some props, and set up for some Lego stop motion work. It kept him busy for a good chunk of the day, and his resulting video was one of the best I've seen him make.
For more information about the 52 Book Challenge, click on the link HERE.
Just as way of explanation... I own a lot of books that I have NOT read yet. When a dear friend introduced me to the 52 Book Challenge I realised it would be a great way to entice me to really concentrate on reading the books I already own. So I downloaded and printed ALL the lists (the challenge started in 2018) and I'm working hard to match all my books. I'm actually impressed with how many of my books I've been able to match so far. I will fill in any gaps with library books.

Some excellent length walks this week.

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