Sunday, May 26, 2024

Term Two: Week Four ~ The Germ Invasion Continues

There are few photos to share with you this week. The germ invasion continued in the house with Munchkin coming down with Monkey's cold Sunday morning. He and hubby stayed home from church and the older boys and I attended alone asI was serving coffee hour/morning tea and couldn't arrange a replacement at such short notice. Then I deemed it a sick week for Munchkin as he developed of disgusting cough with his cold. 
For anyone who might be wondering, my rule for sick days/weeks in our homeschool goes something like this... Fever, vomiting, or the runs require NO SCHOOL and no leaving the house until those issues have been gone for a full 24 hours. Colds are a bit different, but effectively, if I wouldn't send them to public school (due to sneezing, snotting, coughing) then they don't do written work in our homeschool. We continue with reading aloud and when they were younger I often showed documentaries or other educational TV/videos. Munchkin chose to read and rest and I focused on math with Monkey for the week.
We still did reading aloud but the focus was on literature and LONG non-fiction so no books were finished this week.

The other excitement this week was I thought they were going to prune (or possibly remove) the beautiful giant plane tree next door. The leaves are a chore to deal with in the autumn and winter but I love the tree. Thankfully they were there to prune some other trees near the street. It made for a noisy morning but we were glad that the trees are being properly looked after.

I achieved my 1000 day streak with Duolingo this week.
I thought I would get some great reward, but as I already had a 3 day Super Duo going from another milestone I hit earlier, I got NOTHING! Except this cool screenshot to share!!

Even though it hasn't rained for well over a week, and things have dried up a bit, there are still some beautiful mushrooms to be found. I spotted these during a walk to the shops and couldn't resist photographing them. They really are rather gorgeous.

Friday morning my library book tub was full to overflowing. Monkey, Munchkin and I left the house just after 1pm and headed off for an afternoon of fun. We dropped a bag of items off to the Salvation Army op shop, spent about 30 minutes in our old library returning all these books (I forgot to count how many) and picking up 43 more! After that we stopped at our chemist/pharmacy to pick up some medication we needed, and then the boys headed to their friends house. We parted ways at the train station. They went to their friends for dinner and youth group while I jumped on the train (with the pram full of new books) and headed home.
Looking at this photo, I am thinking I may need to graduate to the larger tub that I have - if it will fit on my bookshelf!!

Our happy library bookshelves! Top left are junior non-fiction titles on a variety of subjects. Top right are the books we are currently reading. Bottom left are fiction books that Monkey and Munchkin are reading independently. Bottom right now houses our technology items from one of our "back-up" libraries. We are happily borrowing a Nintendo Entertainment System which even I'm looking forward to using over the coming weeks. 
The two books you might JUST be able to see to the right of the plastic container are books of Munchkin's that he owns. These will move to our bookshelves in our "playroom" area as I spent time Saturday afternoon reorganises our stuff that is in storage there at the moment so we can access our personal bookshelves better.

I restrained myself and only borrowed three books this for this coming fortnight. I got introduced to the No 1 Detective Agency books by my mother so borrowed the second book in the series after finishing the first book (which I owned) during the week. This is a HUGE series of books and our library doesn't have all of them, so I won't worry about trying to read them and will just enjoy the odd title here and there. Detective books are a new read for me (out of my comfort zone) and I'm thoroughly enjoying the adventure.
Surprised by Joy is another C.S. Lewis book that I have been wanting to read and it is also on my LONG library TBR list! Finally, I remembered to borrow Henry & Banjo to accompany the learning the boys are doing on these two wonderful Australian writers. In the coming week we will finish reading a compilation book of their poetry (one book for each of them) and we'll start a  book of short stories written by Henry Lawson. I will enjoy learning more about these men and their lives as I wrap up the mini unit with the boys.

My walks for the week. I'm still trying to walk more (Munchkin mentioned he wants to start walking every day so that will motivate me more) but considering we were in our second week of dealing with illness, this isn't too bad.

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