Sunday, May 19, 2024

Term Two: Week Three ~ The Invasion of Germs

Week Three wasn't anything like I expected.
Sunday night Monkey came down with yet another head cold - severe runny nose, sore throat, and eventually a cough. So aside from our daily combined read alouds, he had a full sick week. I didn't even read his history to him, and only read his literature to him towards the end of the week when he started feeling better.

One day this week, on a regular shopping trip for groceries, Munchkin chose to spend his birthday money on a Lego set he has been wanting for quite some time. It was excellent motivation for him to work hard on his school work this week - but particularly on the day he bought it as he wasn't allowed to build it until all his work was done.

We got a lot of reading done. With Monkey sick I focused on some junior non-fiction that was specific to Munchkin's unit studies. You will see in the selection here that I read several books on the topic of food and farming. This satisfies several content areas for his Food Technology elective...

I highly recommend the Migrations book... this was a read for both boys and we really enjoyed it. All DK published books are wonderful and this one was magnificent. Thorough information and beautiful photography. 
I also finished the last book in the selection of reading we did for Munchkin's Ancient Egypt unit study. He will now write two research papers: one on Hatshepsut and one on Cleopatra, (his chosen people to write about) and then we will move on to the next ancient civilization.

This is a good little series that satisfies lots of science content for both boys. We have one more book to read during week four to finish off the series.

We started an Australian poets unit study in which we will read selections by Banjo Patterson and Henry Lawson so I kicked off the unit with these two wonderful picture books highlighting two poems by Banjo Patterson. There were no picture books for Henry Lawson, but we'll extend our study of him by reading some of his short stories as well as his poetry.

Once done with his schoolwork, Munchkin enjoyed assembling and playing with his new set. He is pleased with his purchase.

While on an afternoon walk Munchkin and I discovered this tree with strange fruits (we assume they are fruits anyway) hanging from the branches. I need to get some better photos with my DSLR camera but I think you can see the weird shape of the fruit even with the blur. I need to do some research to find out what these are as we are quite curious.

Later in the week, during a walk to the shops and back, we discovered the resident Rainbow Lorikeets busily eating crumbs from the front wall of this house. They let me get quite close for photos which I always enjoy.

Finally, Saturday afternoon Munchkin helped me prepare a blueberry upside down cake for morning tea/coffee hour at church. This is one of our favourites to make and is super easy as it cooks in my all-in-one pot (Aussie version of the One Pot).

Some good walks this week, though I should have got out on more than three days.

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