Sunday, June 16, 2024

Term Two: Week Seven ~ Just Life

Week Seven has come and gone and my photo display this week is mostly on my photography and books we have read. I certainly have missed having my DSLR camera to use and as the weeks progress I hope to spend a bit more time with my photography. 
Rest assured that quality work was done on their written assignments this week, but no photos of that work were taken. It just isn't that exciting anymore. 
Some schedule changes this week as well. We had planned for an excursion to the city to visit a museum we haven't been to in so long that Munchkin has no conscious memory of it. However, when I did some checking online we discovered the museum is currently closed for renovations. We couldn't think of another museum we desperately wanted to visit at this time. We contemplated an outdoor excursion to some of the parks in the city, but then the weather report was for pouring rain on Friday, so we cancelled for now.

The beautiful sunrise that greeted me early Sunday morning. I have lost my ability to rise in the 5am hour but am pretty consistently rising at 6:30am. Just in time to catch the sunrise - which is around the 6:50am mark these days. I am certainly looking forward to 21st June so the days can start getting longer again. I miss waking and rising early enough in the morning to get reading AND computer work done before anyone else is awake.

I'm contemplating a "day in the life" blog post again soon since I haven't done one in YEARS and life with a household of teenagers who are homeschooled looks quite different to what it did when they were in primary school. We shall see what I decide to do as it takes a bit of concentration and advanced planning. 
But for now... this photo represents my early morning time. I try to read (specifically books that aren't suited for my before bed reading time) and while doing that I sip 1-2 cups of tea (or hot chocolate when I'm being really fancy)!!

With winter well and truly upon us Munchkin and I are curious to see what will happen with the tomato plant. These tomatoes are making their best effort to ripen for us. We trimmed the plant back quite a bit and it got a sufficient amount of rain over Thursday and Friday, so we shall see what happens now.

The progress the sunflower made over the course of the week was substantial. The photo on the left was taken on Sunday and the photo on the right was taken on Saturday. That is a LOT of growth in just seven days!! Munchkin is ever so excited that it survived and grew properly. We will need to think about transplanting it to a larger pot in the week to come I think.

This little guy was hanging out near our garage and is a perfect example of why I'm happy to have my DSLR camera working again. I have never attempted macro photography on my phone camera but I'm very comfortable with my DSLR. I have no idea what kind of spider this is, but he is rather beautiful and I'm glad we spotted him.

I found a spot near our fence where I could get up high enough to take some photos of the London Plane Tree in the preschool playground next door.

I have always loved the contrast of the bare trees in winter against a brilliant blue sky.

Hard work during the week earns the boys rewards as the week ends. Munchkin enjoyed some extended reading time and Monkey enjoyed some computer time. Actually both boys get computer time, and both boys enjoy reading - as Monkey has recently found a new series of books he absolutely LOVES - but I decided not to take photos of each of them enjoying BOTH activities.

We did some concentrated reading of junior non-fiction books this week as we have some books on our library shelf that are coming close to reaching their maximum renewal time. This series was slightly below their learning level (I should have read it a year or so ago probably) but still had valuable information for both boys. I've been considering reading these books for awhile now and I'm glad I finally did. 

We continued with this series and will finish it off in the early days of next week. I love it when we find a junior non-fiction author that we love. John Lesley books are always high quality and good value.

These two books were specific for Munchkin. We are doing a long (the full two year stage of registration) unit study on the water cycle and water in the world, so we will always be reading something about water. This book was excellent and we enjoyed all of the information (new and reviewed) that it had to offer.
We also finished off the final book in the Borrowers series. Munchkin loved it so much he immediately started re-reading the series independently.

Fridays look a little bit different for the boys right now as the homeschool family they attend youth group with are travelling at the moment. Until they return, and can provide transport home from youth group, Munchkin will not be attending. Monster continues to travel, via public transport, to and from youth group on his own after work. This means a long day AND a late LATE night on Fridays as he leaves for work at about 7:30am doesn't get home until about 11:30pm.
This week was a combined youth event with another church and included a pizza dinner so Monkey decided he wanted to go. He left our house about 4pm and travelled to the city via bus and train, meeting his brother after work so they could travel the remainder of the trip together. They arrived home just after 11:30pm Friday night and had a wonderful time.
The photo above is one of Monkey, showing me he had met up with his brother (per my request as the weather was shocking), and showing me that his wonderful brother treated him to a raspberry spider to enjoy on the way! Despite POURING rain, they thoroughly enjoyed their night out together.

Only two walks this week - both to the shops - and one in pouring rain. I got caught at the top of our street on the way home (so too close to ring for a ride) and the street is so long I was drenched by the time I got home. It was funny really. Sydney doesn't often have light drizzly rain like Oregon does, and even after 24 years of living here I forget. It is either NOT raining, or POURING. There isn't really much in between here. It is part of that semi sub tropical nature of Sydney weather!!

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