Sunday, July 7, 2019

Term Two Evaluation ~ Monster


Reading ~
* You can see from my Weekly Review posts that we read (aloud and independently) a LOT.
* A book list is included in Monster's portfolio with all the books he reads each term.

Writing ~
We still use and LOVE the following curriculum
Institute for Excellence in Writing Program
Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

In Term Two Monster wrote paragraphs on the following topics: Krill, two unit 5 paragraphs based on writing from pictures, Medieval Towns and The Crusades. 

Grammar ~
This year we are using Analytical Grammar which is the next step up after Junior Analytical Grammar.  Term Two we worked through units six through eight: Pattern Sentences 1 - 5


We completed chapters seven through ten in our Year 9 Haese textbook covering the following topics:
Linear Equations, Radicals and Pythagoras, Length and Area, and Coordinate Geometry.


Below is a list of the science related books we read.
"Endangered Australian Animals" by Greg Reid
"Through the Smoke" by Phil Cummings
"The Skin" by Lorna Hendry
"The Ears" by Lorna Hendry
"The Eyes" by Lorna Hendry
"The Nose" by Lorna Hendry
"Adapt to Survive" by Australian Geographic
"The Big Body Book" by Simon Abbott
"Growth and Survival" by Australian Geographic
"Up Close Snakes" by Australian Geographic
"Electrical Energy" by Australian Geographic Science
"Surprising Facts About the Human Body"
"Extreme Weather" by Australian Geographic Science
"The Human Body" by Essential Science
"Exerting Forces" by Australian Geographic Science
"I Saw Nothing" by Gary Crew 
"The Solar System" by Australian Geographic Science
"Solids, Liquids and Gases" by Australian Geographic Science
"I Said Nothing" by Gary Crew
"Your Mind-Bending Brain and Nifty Nervous System" by Your Brilliant Body
"Your Brain Understand it With Numbers"
"The Human Body in 30 Seconds" by Anna Claybourne
"30-Second Anatomy" 
"100 Things to Know About the Human Body"
"Your Respiration and Circulation Understand it With Numbers"
"Your Thumping Heart and Battling Blood System" by Your Brilliant Body
"All About Ants" by Densey Clyne
"100 Trillion Good Bacteria Living in the Human Body" by The Big Countdown


We read the following books as part of our Medieval Europe/Black Plague unit study:
"The Great Fire: A City in Flames" by Ann Turnbull
"Medieval Life" by DK Eyewitness
"The Gruesome Truth About the Middle Ages" by Jillian Powell
"Marco Polo's Travels on Asia's Silk Road"
"The Medieval Knights" by Louise Park
"Medieval Europe" by Time Travel Guide
"The First Crusade: The Capture of Jerusalem in 1099" by Susan B. Edgington
"Horrible Histories Nasty Knights" by Terry Deary

Other History Books:
"The House That Was Built in a Day - ANZAC Cottage" by Valerie Everett
"One Minute Silence" by David Metzenthen
"Poppy Comes Home" by Gabrielle Wang
"1854 Do You Dare: Eureka Boys" by Penny Matthews
"A Cat Called Trim" by Corrine Fenton
"Life in Colonial Australia" by Kerry Davies
"Fair Dinkum Histories Rockin', Rollin', Hair and Hippies" by Jackie French
"Meet Rose" by Sherryl Clark
"Rose on Wheels" by Sherryl Clark
"Rose's Challenge" by Sherryl Clark
"Rose in Bloom" by Sherryl Clark
"Dark Emu: Black Seeds" by Bruce Pascoe
"Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly" by Carole Wilkinson
"Hatshetsup: The Lost Pharaoh of Egypt" by Carole Wikinson
"A Hunger for Land" by Adrian Osterley
"Alfred's War" by Rachel Bin Salleh
"Meet Alice" by Davina Bell


Below is the list of books read aloud and/or independently through Term Two:
"Indigenous Cultures" by Australian Geographic Geography
"Custodians of the Land" by Australian Geographic Geography
"Human Influence" by Australian Geographic Geography
"The Importance of the Environment" by Australian Geographic Geography
"Places and Spaces" by Australian Geographic Geography
"Resources and Waste" by Australian Geographic Geography
"Global Connections" by Australian Geographic Geography


Monster continued to work through Visual Latin 2.
He completed one per week most weeks of the term.


For Term Two we continued our focus on Ocean Study.
We also continued our studies about Antarctica
We read the following books throughout the term:
"Antarctica Exploration" by Greg Reid
"A Focus on Antarctic Tundra, Ice & Snow Habitats" by Jane Hinchey
"Antarctica Human Impacts" by Greg Reid
"Amazing Antarctica: The Last Frontier" by Australian Geographic Explorers


Term Two Social Events:
Attended his cousin's birthday party
Attended various craft events at our local library
Attended a Virtual Reality Workshop at the library
Enjoyed a visit from his Grandmother from America
Celebrated his brother's 10th birthday

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