Saturday, July 20, 2019

School Holidays: Week Two ~ Overseas Visitor

We spent our second week of school holidays preparing for a VERY special visit. My mum travelled all the way from America to spend two weeks with us. So we spent some of our time cleaning the house and getting organized for her arrival on Thursday morning.

 Our pea plants are growing nicely...

Despite the fact that our dining room is not warm enough (consistently anyway) Munchkin's crystal kit is slowly starting to grow. 

 Monster and Monkey enjoyed a Virtual Reality school holidays event at the library. The gentleman who runs the program was quite impressed with the boys' ability as they were the only two children to actually build anything over the course of the two-hour event.

We decided to start a 749 piece Ken Duncan puzzle while Grandmama was here. 

Our progress during the first week of her visit... 

 And of course... our books! All three boys are enjoying this series... The older boy who lives around the corner from us gave them some of the books and we sourced the rest from the library.

 We worked hard to finish up our human body books as they were due back to the library...

Monster and I are SLOWLY wrapping up our Medieval Europe unit... 

 And because it is school holidays... the boys are all enjoying reading books just for fun!!

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