Sunday, July 7, 2019

Term Two Evaluation ~ Monkey


Reading ~
* You can see from my weekly reviews that we read LOTS of books, aloud and independent.
* A book list is included in Monkey's portfolio with a list of all books read each term.

Writing ~
We still use, and LOVE, our Institute for Excellence in Writing Program
Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

In Term Two, Monkey wrote paragraphs on the following topics: Inside Your Body, Hearing, and a unit five paragraph using the technique of writing from pictures.

Spelling ~ 
We continue with Ozspeller lists that I source online.
Monkey is working through the Year 5 lists.
He has an oral quiz Monday through Thursday and a written test on Friday.

Handwriting ~
Foundation Handwriting Yr 4

Grammar ~
This year we are reviewing Junior Analytical Grammar
Term Two we worked through units one through four: subject & verb, and adverbs


Maths Plus Yr 5 Textbook
Term Two units covered the following topics:
4-digit Subtraction, Prime and Composite Numbers, Triangles, Square centimetres, 2-digit division, Revising two-place decimals, Probability, Using Scale, 5-digit addition with trading, Multiples, Line Graphs, Cubic Centimetres, Three digits multiplied by one digit, Constructing number sentences, Constructing Shapes, 24-hour Time, 5-digit subtraction, 2-digit division, Describing Objects, Perimeter, Multiplication, Fractions on a Number Line, Databases, Square Metres, 3-digit Division, Factors, Number Patterns and Rules, Rotational Symmetry, Order of Operations, Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Chance, Top, front and side views, 5-digit addition, Roman Numerals, Line graphs, and Cubic centimetres and millimetres
Diagnostic Review 2


Below is a list of the science related books we read:

"Through the Smoke" by Phil Cummings
"Adapt to Survive" by Australian Geographic Science
"Growth and Survival" by Australian Geographic Science
"Up Close Snakes" by Australian Geographic
"Electrical Energy" by Australian Geographic Science
"Extreme Weather" by Australian Geographic Science
"Exerting Forces" by Australian Geographic Science
"I Saw Nothing" by Gary Crew
"The Solar System" by Australian Geographic Science
"Solids, Liquids and Gases" by Australian Geographic Science


Monkey began and in-depth and intense Australian history unit.
This should take us two years to complete.

We read the following books as part of the unit study:
"Poppy Comes Home" by Gabrielle Wang
"1854 Do You Dare: Eureka Boys" by Penny Matthews
"A Cat Called Trim" by Corrine Fenton
"Life in Colonial Australia" by Kerry Davies
"Meet Rose" by Sherryl Clark
"Rose on Wheels" by Sherryl Clark
"Rose's Challenge" by Sherryl Clark
"Rose in Bloom" by Sherryl Clark
"A Hunger for Land" by Adrian Osterley
"Meet Alice" by Davina Bell

Other History Books we read:
"The Happiness Box" by Mark Greenwood
"That House That Was Built in a Day - ANZAC Cottage" by Valerie Everett
"The Poppy" by Andrew Plant
"Meet Douglas Mawson" by Mike Dumbleton


We read the following books as part of geography this term:
"Indigenous Cultures" by Australian Geographic Geography
"Custodians of the Land" by Australian Geographic Geography
"Human Influence" by Australian Geographic Geography
"The Importance of the Environment" by Australian Geographic Geography
"Floods and Bush Fires" by Australian Geographic Geography
"Places and Spaces" by Australian Geographic Geography
"Global Connections" by Australian Geographic Geography


Monkey spent LOTS of his free time during the term sketching and drawing.


We did a very unit on the human body during term two.
"The Skin" by Lorna Hendry
"The Ears" by Lorna Hendry
"The Eyes" by Lorna Hendry
"The Nose" by Lorna Hendry
"The Big Body Book" by Simon Abbott
"The Human Body" by Essential Science
"Your Mind-Bending Brain and Nifty Nervous System" by Your Brilliant Body
"Your Brain Understand it With Numbers"
"The Human Body in 30 Seconds"
"100 Things to Know About the Human Body"
"Your Respiration and Circulation Understand it With Numbers"
"Your Thumping Heart and Battling Blood System" by Your Brilliant Body
"100 Trillion Good Bacteria in the Human Body" by The Big Countdown


Term Two Social Events:
Attended his cousin's birthday party
Attended several craft events at the library
Attended a Virtual Reality Workshop at the library
Attended a school holidays Lego Day which included Lego Robotics
Enjoyed an international visitor (Grandmother from America)

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