Sunday, July 7, 2019

Term Two Evaluation ~ Munchkin


Reading ~
* A book list of all books read to Munchkin and books he has read independently will be included in his portfolio for the year.

Munchkin enjoys his online Reading Eggs program as well as his online Teach Your Monster to Read program.  He spends some time each school day working through the lessons. Munchkin is now working through the Reading Eggspress levels.

Writing ~
Since Munchkin is not reading fluently I do not require him to do a structured writing curriculum at all. He participates in some copy work (writing thank you notes and birthday cards) and will frequently ask us to spell words for him to write down when he is drawing.

Spelling ~
I am hand creating spelling lists for Munchkin this year. I am using CVC words at the moment and will expand to CCVC words in Term 2.

Handwriting ~
Targeting Handwriting Yr 2 

Grammar ~
Junior Analytical Grammar requires too much writing/reading for Munchkin to participate yet so he will do this program in a few years time.


Munchkin is working through a  Maths Plus Year 3 textbook this year.

Topics we covered this term in the Yr 3 textbook included:
Connecting addition and subtraction, Comparing and ordering fractions, Angles, The metre, Counting by tens, Thirds, Patterns, Informal mass, Doubles and near doubles, Multiplication facts (10s), Symmetry, Chance experiment, Subtraction jump therapy, Fifths and tenths, Perpendicular lines, Litres, Bridging the decades, Dividing, Modelling objects/nets, Tables, Money, 4-digit numbers, Pentagons, Quarter to and quarter past, Addition patterns, Revising multiplication facts, Collecting Data, The kilogram, Empty Number Lines, Division and multiplication, Following directions, Measuring and recording perimetre, Trading in addition, Number patterns, Describing prisms, The square centrimetre
Diagnostic Review 2

Munchkin also enjoys the Mathseeds program online that is part of our Reading Eggs subscription. He works independently (unless he needs help with reading the instructions) and I am continually impressed at the level of difficulty he has mastered on his own.


Munchkin listened in on the read alouds with the older boys. The list of books is the same.


The early years of history/geography in the national curriculum focus mainly on identifying change and continuity within the family unit. They also look at significant people, events, places and sites. Finally they look at changes in technology on people's lives over time. All of this can be more than adequately covered with quality books so we read a LOT of historical fiction and non-fiction books that are aimed directly at Munchkin's age.

As for geography, students are to focus on sequencing events in order using terms related to time. They also compare objects from the past and present. Again, simple terms that are more than sufficiently covered in the number of books we read and the range of topics.


We did a very unit on the human body during term two.
"The Skin" by Lorna Hendry
"The Ears" by Lorna Hendry
"The Eyes" by Lorna Hendry
"The Nose" by Lorna Hendry
"The Big Body Book" by Simon Abbott
"The Human Body" by Essential Science
"Your Mind-Bending Brain and Nifty Nervous System" by Your Brilliant Body
"Your Brain Understand it With Numbers"
"The Human Body in 30 Seconds"
"100 Things to Know About the Human Body"
"Your Respiration and Circulation Understand it With Numbers"
"Your Thumping Heart and Battling Blood System" by Your Brilliant Body
"100 Trillion Good Bacteria in the Human Body" by The Big Countdown



Term Two Social Events:
Attended his cousin's birthday party
Attended various craft events at our local library
Attended a Virtual Reality Workshop at the library
Enjoyed a visit from his Grandmother from America
Celebrated his brother's 10th birthday

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