As we begin our second week of this last term of the year we are getting back into the routine of school. There are no photos of structured written work this week. As the boys get older it is harder to visually showcase that aspect of their learning because it is mostly reading and book work and that is somewhat boring to photograph. But that work got done this week and then we enjoyed the more natural aspects of learning in our lives.
We made sure to read aloud all the crayon books. If you have access to these books I highly recommend them. They are hilarious. In our humble opinion the first two are the best ("The Day the Crayons Quit" and "The Day the Crayons Came Home") but they are all pretty cute.
The chapter books we finished off this week during our read aloud sessions. These were all selections I specifically read aloud to Munchkin although the two older boys listened in as well.
A not very good picture of our "baby" angel fish to show how much they have grown, and a beautiful tree Munchkin and I noticed when we were walking to the library.
Board games at the library is always a favourite activity for Munchkin and his best friends.
It is always difficult to get a good photo of these two - especially when they are in a silly mood.
I can't remember why he collapsed on the floor - but I snapped a photo of his antics just the same. I think it might have had something to do with getting together (or in this case not being able to get together) with his besties for as long as he likes on Friday.
A quick snap of Munchkin (not sure what his face is all about) and his friends after their Friday afternoon fun at the pool.
Friday night board games before our movie while the older two boys are at youth group.
I got in some reasonable walks this week.
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