Term Four is upon us and the end of another school year is in sight. Where does the time go? At the end of this year I will have a high school graduate and be down to only two students again.
The beautiful plant at church in full flower.
We discovered a few new books in the "Crayon" series, so I borrowed all the books and we are slowly reading them aloud again. If you haven't ever read these books, do yourself a favour and find a copy.
This term Monkey will be studying the Mongol Empire for history, and focusing on chemistry for science. He'll also be reviewing rocks for geography so these photos showcase those unit studies.
Munchkin did a bit of floor schooling at the beginning of the week. Top photo shows him working on his math and spelling, while the bottom photo shows some science projects he worked on independently.
The DK Lab books are an AMAZING series - you will see three of the titles when you get down to the photos of all the books Munchkin read this week. These are (usually) great books for kids to do some experimenting with. I say usually because sometimes the project needs a fair bit of adult supervision and I don't know many people who would have ALL the "ingredients" just laying around the house.
More fun with coloured ice...
All the schoolwork for Munchkin and Monkey set up on the dining table ready for a good day of learning.
Munchkin made a "hand" ice cube...
And had some more fun with salt and food colouring.
Lego at the library to start off a new term of Thursday Afterschool Activities.
Finally, while the two older boys enjoyed a sausage dinner and youth group with friends on Friday night...
Munchkin, daddy and I enjoyed mini pizzas for dinner and then Munchkin and I watched a movie together.
I'm so glad two of my high school friends recommended this book series for Munchkin. For the first time in a LONG time we've found a book that he simply cannot finish reading in one day!!
Here are three of the titles in the Lab series... there are SEVERAL others. These are pretty great books, but then I love just about everything DK publishes!
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