Saturday, December 2, 2023

Term Four: Week Eight ~ Natural Learning

As we creep closer to the end of the year, the focus of my photography (and thus my blog posts) changes. As the boys complete more and more of their structured written work, they shift to more self directed, natural learning experiences. 
Enjoy this short blog post of our learning fun.

Sunday at church - Monkey and his godmother decide to check on their height again. It seems that Monkey has JUST overtaken her and he is quite pleased about this. That leaves only 2-3 men who are still taller!!

I finished reading this aloud to the boys this week. It was a birthday gift to Munchkin many years ago and we decided it was a great way to finish up the year. There are 100 short bits of information about math and numbers so we read one a day. The book also includes lots of puzzles and brain twisters to try out so it will be interesting to see how many Munchkin attempts in the coming weeks and months. These books are not for the faint hearted.

Munchkin spent some time this week with science experiments and his plant recipes. He made some aloe vera gel concoction that is supposed to help him with his plant propagation so it will be interesting to see if it works.

He also spent some time working on a cardboard creation...

A nifty looking lizard that he carefully painted once he built it.

Finally, on Friday night he made pikelets while his brothers were at youth group.

Only two walks this week - definitely not my best effort.

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