Saturday, September 23, 2023

Term Three: Week Ten ~ Everyone Finished Early

The final week of the term - we made it! Monster finished on Tuesday of this week and Monkey worked hard and had everything done by Thursday. Therefore all the boys earned themselves some bonus holiday time.

NOTE: Monster is effectively done with school. He completed his math textbook this term and really only has Latin and a couple of writing assignments to do and he is completely finished. He will not be sitting the HSC exams and therefore will not receive an ATAR. However, he will be starting a Certificate IV TAFE degree in Financial Services towards the end of the year. (similar to an associates degree at the community college level for my America family and friends)  This is a subject that he finds extremely interesting and the Cert IV will give him an alternate entry into college/university should he need/want to do that in the future. He will do the TAFE course part-time which will allow him to get a part time job and/or continue to do some web design work with his father. I am looking forward to seeing how this new chapter of Monster's life unfolds.

These were our last three read alouds for this term. Munchkin liked The Giver series books but he wasn't super thrilled with the overall story line. I will know how much he actually liked it based on whether he decides to read the entire series again independently. 

The Robot Series was well done - but then we generally really enjoy the World Book Series topics that we read. Sadly, we were disappointed with The First of Everything. The information itself was interesting, but the format and layout were disappointing, and not overly conducive to the read aloud format.

Munchkin spent more time this week with his planting. I finished off a red capsicum (bell pepper) so he got straight to work planting all of the seeds. It will be exciting to see if it works. I tried to grow capsicum once before but only managed to get one to grow before the plant died.

With a more relaxed schedule (since Munchkin was finished with his written work) I had more time for my own independent reading in the daytime. This was good as I had several books I was nearly finished reading. Also, as a majority of my current reads are biographies and non-fiction, I find them hard to read at night when my brain and my eyes are tired.
 Now on to a new batch of books for me for the holidays.

Munchkin spent a lot of time in the kitchen this week. He has been enjoying watching a YouTube Channel called Creative Explained. It is about how to grow plants and also make lots of natural things. He bought some oranges for making his own freshly squeezed orange juice, and now we've boiled the skins to see if the orange water works as a natural mosquito repellent.
** Click on Creative Explained to bring up a link to the channel if you are interested** 

He also helped me prepare spaghetti sauce one night this week - as he had requested that I make it. He got busy grating the carrot and zucchini that I add to the sauce. 

Proud of Monkey for putting in some extra effort this week and completing all his written work before Friday. Therefore he enjoyed a free day before attending youth group for the last time this term. The group enjoyed a board game night and also ate lots of chicken wings while taking part in a spicy chilli sauce tasting challenge.

I have enjoyed a bit of a break since reading my last Bryce Courtnay book so it is time to read another one. These are all the books of his that I own so I spent some time contemplating what to read next. After also discussing it with my mum (who is the one who got me hooked on Bryce Courtnay books in the first place) I have decided to read Jessica next!

Munchkin can read anytime and anywhere... even upside down!!

The final After School Activity at the library on Thursday was a beautiful card making craft. The kids really enjoyed the activity and now we'll look forward to the school holiday events at the library which are a little bit extra special.

Friday Fun with Friends for Munchkin was more than he bargained for. He went with them much earlier (9:30am pick-up) so he could run laps at the oval with them and give discus a try. He was so excited he was awake and out of bed by 5:30am and didn't get to bed that night until 10:30pm.

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