Saturday, July 15, 2023

July School Holidays: Week Two ~ Baking, Craft, and Cleaning

School holidays always seem to go by way too fast - here it is week two already.

Munchkin and I continue to observe this succulent at church waiting to see what it is going to do. We think it is going to bloom and we're really excited because we've never seen it bloom before in all the years we've been attending church at this particular location.

Monster (and daddy) were gifted eleven baby angel fish from a dear friend at church. They are WAY too small to live in the six foot tank (the other fish would attack and eat them) so they are happily living in the small tank Monster set up for the sick fish (that fish recovered) until they have grown a bit more.

Trampoline fun at our friend's house as we house sit for them.

The cleaning of Munchkin's shelves of chaos continued into week two. This was the AFTER photo for the BEFORE photo that I posted in week one. He is doing a really good job with this cleaning project.

Munchkin REALLY wanted to bake some cookies (biscuits) and chocolate chips were on special at the grocery store. So we bought a packet of each (dark, milk, and white) and he had an afternoon of baking fun.

We need to find a better recipe for next time (these cookies weren't the greatest) but the baking part of it was fun and Munchkin was happy.

More AFTER photos of his cleaning work. Pretty much all that is left to do is sort through the various containers which are full of paper and projects that he needs to either get rid of, finish constructing, or store more safely. That is a project I don't want to tackle just yet as it is much more time consuming.

Another afternoon of trampoline fun...

The library holds special activities several days of the week during each of the school holidays. Thursday was a flapping butterfly craft and they all enjoyed it immensely.

There finished butterflies.

While at the library on Thursday I picked up a HUGE load of books that we will be using for our learning during Term Three. This isn't everything that we need, but it is a good start.

My "library shelf" at home is very happy now because it is nearly full.

I'm happy with my slow knitting progress. I knit in the car, while watching TV, when I'm waiting for one of the boys and don't have time to read, or when I'm monitoring Munchkin's written schoolwork. Generally I finish one hat every fortnight...

I usually also finish one square per week. I would LOVE to be able to do more, but for this time in my life, I'm happy with the small things I can do.

Saturday Munchkin spent some time sorting through ONE paper box. It took him a long time, but he stuck with the job until it was done, got rid of a TON of stuff, and organised what was left so that he can make good use of it.

House sitting for my friend meant I got lots more walking in this week.

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