Sunday, March 5, 2023

Book Selection ~ Term One: Week Six

Our book selections for Week Six - and just to do something different I'm talking about the books I'm reading independently first.
Left Photo: The second book in a series by Jackie French that I have been meaning to read for many years. Another member of our homeschool group recommended the series to me long ago and I'm only just getting around to reading them. So far the series is showing great promise (from the first book) but we'll see if this second book sucks me in as thoroughly as some of her other series.

Right Photo: I've waited for ages this year to start this book. I put it on reserve at our library in mid December with the intention of being able to start reading it pretty close to the first of the year as possible (considering library closure during holidays), but it took until late February for the book to finally arrive in the library. I'm looking forward to hearing what this author has to say.

Left Photo: The Sound of Music is my ALL time favourite movie and I absolutely LOVE Julie Andrews so I'm thrilled that she has written not one, but TWO autobiographies about her life. This first one deals with her childhood and early years while the second book (co-written with her daughter) is about her years in Hollywood. I'm so looking forward to learning more about this wonderful woman. Already just seeing the cover has been amazing... I have never known my entire life that she has freckles... but it makes sense since I've only ever seen her with stage makeup on. 

Right Photo: I have never in my life read "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" but it was on my list of 1000 Books to Read Before You Die AND the library had it so I put it on reserve. It was mentioned in another book I just read as being a book that is extremely popular so I hope it lives up to the expectations.

These two books are for Munchkin and Monkey and fulfil curriculum requirements for science as well as health and development.

History books that are primarily for Munchkin - though Monkey listens as well.
Both of these series are excellent so I know these books will be good.

History selections for Monster (left photo) and Monkey (right photo)

New literature selections for Munchkin (left photo) and Monkey (right photo)
The Lord of the Rings book is the compilation of all three books in the one volume so we'll be reading this book for a long time - possibly the entire school year.

New literature selection for Monster as well - I've never read 1984 so I'm keen to see what we think of this book as it is often labelled as a MUST read.

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