Term Four is about to begin. It is a nine week term and I strongly dislike short terms, so I'm staying VERY realistic about what we can accomplish this term. Therefore, I've chosen only ONE new unit of study, and we'll use the remainder of the time to finish other unit studies and focus on the core elements of our learning (reading, writing and math). Because of this decision, my weekly book selection posts will be short and sweet. As they get smaller, I will probably add in the books that I am reading independently, but time will tell.
We only have two more books to finish in this excellent series. It has been fun for me to learn about some new technology that I previously wasn't aware of. The two older boys already know that much of this technology exists, so it is a good opportunity for mum to do a bit of "catch up" learning.
These natural disaster books have been excellent and I'm so glad I stumbled on this series. There are SO many books in the series that we won't finish it this year. But as we all LOVE learning about natural disasters all the time, I'm happy to take this unit study into our learning in 2023.
This is our ONE new unit study for this term and it is aimed at Munchkin. The two older boys have been learning about the solar system since they were about three years old (because all my boys LOVE the solar system). There are ten books in this series so I will read one per week and we will simply finish the week after school ends.
Finally, we have three more books to finish for Monkey's Ancient Rome unit study. I had hoped to finish the unit study last term and start Vikings this term, but now that I put some more thought into it, this is MUCH better. Monkey has been anxiously waiting for a unit study on Vikings for over a year now and I don't want to rush it. By leaving it until first term next year we can really dive deep and have fun with it. He is ahead in his history studies anyway, so it gives us extra time to enjoy the portions of history that he really loves.
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