Saturday, April 2, 2022

Term One: Week Nine ~ Recovery at Home

This is probably one of the least informative blog posts I've ever done. But coming off the back of Munchkin's hospital stay and medical dramas, I'll take what I can get. Also, since I use this blog as a form of reporting for the government, and also as a way to journal our life, I will simply blog whatever information and photos I have from week to week.

The only person doing any sort of structured written school work is Monster. He has some Latin he wants to finish so he spends a portion of each day in the office working independently. I have declared the term over for Monkey and Munchkin. I need time to adjust back to life at home that doesn't revolve around someone's illness, and it just seemed logical to stop, regroup, and start fresh in term two.

This is another blessing of homeschooling for our family. I never worry about being "behind". If Munchkin attended a public school he would never get the chance to finish the work he missed while he was at home sick or in hospital. But since we homeschool, next term we'll just pick up where we left off, and put some extra effort into our daily work to "catch up" so to speak. But all three boys are WELL ahead in history, geography, and science and NO ONE is actually behind in anything really, so there is nothing to worry about.

I had to include this screenshot of my sleep app because it is the happiest report I've seen in easily two weeks, even with a sizeable awake time in the week hours of the morning.

How I missed simple home prepared meals. Please don't get me wrong, the hospital DOES provide nutritious hot meals for the children, as well as a parents kitchen, but it isn't the same as home cooked meals. Munchkin had very little appetite in hospital and often only ate a few bites of his meals so I would simply finish whatever he didn't eat. Then, in the parents kitchen, there was an industrial sized fridge filled with milk, fruit, yogurt, custard, sandwiches and bread. I had available to me the fixings for toast (jam and vegemite) and there was raisin bread as well. Parents could make themselves numerous cups of tea and coffee and there were endless supplies of sweet biscuits to go with it. We also had Wheat Bix available and a freezer full of lemonade icy poles (popsicles) and cups of vanilla ice cream. So there was NO WAY I was going to starve - but I missed my favourites from home. The above meal is extremely simply but goodness gracious did it taste good!

We managed to finish one junior non-fiction book. Everything else was either overdue or we needed more than two weeks to finish it. So I made the executive decision to return ALL our non-fiction books (after making a long list of the titles) and I will borrow them again at the end of school holidays in preparation for Term 2.

Munchkin very quickly got back to reading some of his favourite library books when we got home. Mind you, this week was not all smooth sailing. I don't have any pictures of it, but Thursday night we ended up back in emergency at Sydney Children's Hospital because Munchkin started vomiting again. We were there from 11pm until 7:30am and while they were extremely thorough and ran a battery of tests on the boy, they couldn't determine what was wrong. They did determine that there was no infection brewing from the surgery and simply chalked it up to residual dehydration. So we came home, got a few hours of sleep, and then spent the day getting small sips of fluids in him every ten minute or so. Thankfully his vomiting ceased and he began to make some real improvement again.

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