I worked SO hard over our extended school holidays to plan Term 2 so that it would go off without a hitch and we would hit the ground running. After the weak ending to Term 1 due to the necessity of dealing with Munchkin's health issues, I really wanted to start the new term with a BANG and I thought the extra long holidays would give us the energy and renewal to do that.
But plans for the start of Term 2 came to a screeching halt as COVID entered our home for the second time this year. My husband and Monkey tested positive (via PCR test) early Sunday morning and then Munchkin tested positive via this RAT test early Monday morning. The biggest bummer of this is that Monkey and Munchkin missed out on attending the all day (9am-3pm) pupil free Lego Day that they haven't been able to attend because of COVID for a year. SIGH. But it is what it is, so I readjusted my idea for Term 2, lowered our work level to just read alouds, and we all hunkered down for our seven day isolation period.
Interestingly, I started showing symptoms as well on Monday. I chose NOT to get another test and instead just assumed that I had been reinfected and chose to follow Munchkin's isolation period. Additionally, Monster NEVER got sick, so the weirdness of COVID and how it affects different people, continues to amaze me.
Thankfully none of us had a really SERIOUS case... we all had some combination of congestion, sore throat, runny noses, sneezing, coughing and tiredness.
Monkey has been busy creating more beautiful artworks while he has been sick. I have to be a bit sneaky to get photos these days, but he does understand that it is important to make sure we keep evidence of his work... not JUST for school but because his growing ability with drawing and painting continues to improve daily and I like having photos that show the progression...
He is slightly obsessed with Huntsman spiders at the moment, so completely normal for him to decide to draw a picture of one. I'm really excited to see the finished product of this drawing.
This looks like it is only a quick little painting to test out his watercolour paints, but in itself it is still beautiful and I love finding these little treasures mixed in with his work.
This is how he works... either at the dining table (as shown here) or on the lounge... with his notebook, a pencil or fine line pen, and his phone. He pulls up a photograph of whatever he wants to draw and gets to work.
None of the boys were EVER feeling sick enough NOT to enjoy their daily computer play time.
If I've not mentioned it before... all three boys have chore charts. Blue is Monster, green is Monkey and red is Munchkin...
Every Saturday they each have a list of chores they MUST do before they are allowed their computer play time. I have printed up a list of chores, laminated them, and each week I rotate who does what chore (with the exception of a few that only the two older boys do). This week, due to our illness and a week of rain, I severely shortened the chores they had to do. We stuck with the necessary chores and from next week they will go back to their full load. Also, they are NOT impressed that I printed and laminated the chores so small, especially since I mentioned that I did that intentionally so that I can add MORE chores to their lists as they get older and more capable of doing more around the house.!!
Monday was ANZAC Day and per our tradition we spent most of the day reading a large selection of books from the library. I had to do the reading in shifts to work around my scratchy throat and cough, but we made it work. We always enjoy hot chocolate and ANZAC biscuits while we read as well.
This was a new book we read this year that gave an overview of ANZAC Day and the reasons behind why Australia observes it.
These two selections focused on the Aboriginal soldiers who served in WWI and I feel it is very important to find books that give them the respect and credit that is due for their service and sacrifice.
Two books about items from WWI. Jack's Bugle is really lovely. This Old Thing was a new book and wasn't as impressive as I thought it was going to be, but this could be because it is aimed at much younger children then I have now.
Digger is a family favourite about a girl's stuffed kangaroo that goes off to war with a young soldier (her brother) to keep him company. Even though it is a picture book meant for a much younger audience, I fully intend to keep reading this book for many years to come...
We always include some more factual picture books in our choices each year and these two are favourites of our family.
These final three picture books are our absolute favourite books to read each ANZAC day. I struggle to read these three books without getting emotional and fighting back tears.
Another exception ANZAC book that gets me very emotional. I highly recommend it to my Australian friends and family.
Munchkin's independent reading...
A Premier's Reading Challenge book that Monkey finished this week...
Finally, the remainder of Munchkin's independent reading for the week.