Saturday, March 12, 2022

Term One: Week Six ~ Dragon Fruit, Mushrooms, and More Flooding Rain

The dragon fruit plant our landlord planted AGES ago is finally bearing fruit. That was the highlight of our week before the flooding rain took all our concentration and attention.

I sliced the fruit up and we all tried it and decided it wasn't our cup of tea. This was rather disappointing for all of us as we love that we are growing an exotic fruit.

Tuesday 8th March was the scary day as far as the rain was concerned. There was about a 20 minute period where our storm drains in our yard were easily 3/4 of the way full and the drain into the gutter at the curb was splashing back up onto the grass.

I kept a close eye on the car and the level of the water on the tyres as my husband intended to move the car on the grass if the water got too high. Thankfully this is the highest it every got.

The neighbour across the yard put their rubbish bins on the street instead of the grass and clearly there wasn't much in their general rubbish bin (red) because it turned and floated up against the yellow bin.

A couple more photos of the rain that I took on my phone instead of my DSLR camera.

Once the heavy rain stopped in the afternoon, Munchkin and I braved the water and wandered down to the river to see how much flooding there was down there.

The brick building on the left of this photo is a huge property that sits RIGHT on the bank of the river. Notice the black arrow I added to the photo on the left. That is the water... right up nearly to the buildings. I wouldn't buy this property in a MILLION years!!

Anytime we get any large amount of rain, mushrooms start growing EVERYWHERE! We found this giant one growing about half a block from the house.

This is one of the walkways the boys like to wander down to search for mud crabs...

Water water everywhere... and just to give it context... all of these photos are areas that are roughly 200-300 metres from our house.

What a difference ONE day makes... the next afternoon I went out again and because it hadn't rained for awhile the ground had the opportunity to soak in a lot of the water.

The Georges River - at one of the highest levels I've seen it in the 12 years we've been living here.

This bridge that allows us to cross the river, is exactly 230 metres from our front door.

Whilst the boardwalk itself was quite dry the following day, the dirt path we have to walk to get there was very wet, muddy and boggy.

Dry ground and water back where it belonged was a welcome sight for sure.

Lots of independent reading for Munchkin. He is absolutely LOVING the Wings of Fire series which a high school friend recommended to me.

The book on the left was read aloud to Monster as part of his Biology focus this term. It was an amazing book and I'm so glad we've finally had the opportunity to read it. I've had my eye on it for YEARS now.

The book on the right is part of a wonderful series of books that I'm reading aloud to Munchkin as part of his science curriculum this year. They are well written and informative and all three boys are enjoying them even though the information is review for the two older boys.

Left Photo: Another excellent series of books that covers a LOT of the geography curriculum for Munchkin. These books are AMAZING and we are really enjoying all the learning we are doing as we read them.

Right Photo: I continue to read books to the boys about different genres of music even though it is not their favourite thing to learn about. This book was excellent and I particularly liked that it listed selections of music to listen to as illustrations of the different kinds of music.

Left Photo: A well written book that gives a good overview of the American Revolution. I read it aloud to Monster as part of his Enlightenment unit for history.

Right Photo: Another excellent series by Australian Geographic - each book deals with a different scientific concept and I am using the series to cover all sorts of content in Munchkin's science curriculum.

Left Photo: Both Munchkin and Monkey are studying about water this term so we are reading a variety of books, at varying levels, about the water cycle, water management, and water conservation.

Right Photo: World Book puts out this wonderful series of books all about various different kinds of natural disasters. Both Munchkin and Monkey are studying about natural disasters this year so it seemed a good year to read this entire series. The books are long and in-depth so it will take us the whole year to get through the series.

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