Saturday, October 16, 2021

Term Four: Week Two ~ Cockatoos, Spring Rain, and Lots of Reading

Week Two and we are really enjoying have ALL the library books again. There are a few shows from our term of online learning that we will finish watching, but for now we are taking a break from extra screens and just enjoying the written word.

While I waited for Monkey to come and work on his school work, I took the opportunity to work on my Spanish lessons. I am working my way through the Getting Started with Spanish book and also doing Spanish lessons on the Duolingo app on my phone.

One afternoon as I was finishing up my daily walk, I spotted two Sulphur Crested Cockatoos enjoying a meal in the Bottle Brush tree in the Montessori School playground. So I went home, grabbed my camera, and headed out for some photography fun. These birds are extremely comfortable around humans so you can get really close and take lots of fun photos.

Munchkin spent an afternoon building a fort...

Resting in the "super comfortable spot"...

Showing me the inside of his fort...

Climbing in...

Work and play... Munchkin working on his dinosaur model that he won from the laundry (left photo) and working hard underlining important and interesting information about turtles for his writing assignment.

We're having a very wet and stormy spring... La Nina has arrived. At least one afternoon a week we've been getting thunderstorms and lots of rain.

As promised from Week One, here are the books I routinely read to Monkey at night. As we finish the smaller books, I replace them with new ones, but the chapter books and the Egyptian Mythology book will likely see us through at least half of the term.

It is wonderful to have books to read for science, history, geography and health again... 

All the books above were read to all three boys as part of their history, geography and PDHPE curriculum for the year.

These two books were read aloud to Monster as part of his WWII unit study... it was really great to learn more about Weary Dunlop and the work that he did not only during the war but during the rest of his life as well. Archie's Letter was an excellent follow on as he worked under Weary during the war. Two GREAT Australian heroes and wonderful men.

I read these two selections to Monkey as part of his Asian countries unit study and also his migration unit study. I actually read the China book to all three boys as Munchkin is learning about Australia's Asian neighbours as well.

Finally, the plant growth book was part of Munchkin's science curriculum and the Patricia Polacco book was a beautiful story I included for Monster's WWII unit study. I really enjoy finding good quality picture books to enhance our unit studies, and Patricia Polacco never disappoints.

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