Our final week of Term One and we are happy to see this term go. With the drama surrounding Munchkin's leg infection and eventual eczema diagnosis, it has been interesting to say the least. We'll enjoy a lovely autumn break and then hit the ground running for Term 2.
Monkey and Munchkin finished up their last bit of structured work (mostly maths tests) and really only Monster worked through to the end of the week. So we started to get into the relax and unwind mode with some extra time outdoors.
Munchkin and I took a walk along the boardwalk on the last day of the month... along the way we stopped to feed the ducks!
I was surprised to find one beautiful Golden Orb Weaver spider minding her web!
Another sunny afternoon I pulled out the trampoline and Munchkin and Monkey took some turns bouncing on it.
The two younger boys are enjoying several Minecraft books we borrowed from the library...
We are busily finishing off any and all unit study read alouds... I focus on the Bible and our literature selections only over school holidays. The Earth book was the prize Munchkin won during the summer reading challenge and the Great Depression book wraps up our unit study for Monster. Having said that, there are three, large, adult non-fiction books about the Great Depression that we will read through the year even though we will move on to other unit studies for history.
We wrapped up our two books for the Australian Capital Territory. We will continue with the remaining states and territories when Term 2 starts, then move on to our Asian Neighbours of Australia unit study! These two unit studies are specific to Munchkin's curriculum plan, but the older boys enjoy the review as well... even when I "reteach" a unit study for a younger boy, we ALWAYS all learn a little something new.
Monkey finished off this book as part of his Premiere's Reading Challenge assignment for this year.
All the remaining books are independent selections for Munchkin. He is a voracious reader and it is hard to keep him with enough books to read.
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