Saturday, December 19, 2020

Term Four: Week Ten ~ Tummy Bugs, Spiders, Christmas Celebrations, and the Last Day of School

Week Ten!
We made it through this wild and weird year!
I'm so proud of the work the boys did this year. They didn't let 2020 get them down. They faced being locked down in their home (only allowed outside for exercise) for 3.5 months. They adjusted to a five day school week, several months of no access to the public library, and at least eight months of not seeing their friends at homeschool group. They took everything pretty well in stride, accepted that this year is like no other in their lives thus far, and got on with the job of learning. Now they can relax and enjoy the little bit of extra school holidays that they have earned themselves as we started our holidays almost a week early, and I intend to start our 2021 school year nearly a week late as well.

This should be my last photo of quarantined books coming out of our garage on a Sunday afternoon/evening. After much discussion with the manager at the library, and also my husband, it was decided that the library books are not putting us at an increased risk at all. The PRIMARY way that COVID is being transmitted is through prolonged exposure in an indoor social setting.

We discovered that our resident spider (which we believe is a St Andrews Cross spider) has made an egg sac! This could mean thousands of baby spiders EVERYWHERE!!

It is our family tradition to put our Christmas tree up on the 13th of December every year (twelve days before Christmas) and then we leave it up until the 6th of January (the traditional 12 Days of Christmas). So Sunday after church we came home and put the tree up and decorated it, and then wrapped the day up by attending a Christmas Carols event at a local church in our area.

My favourite decorations that I brought with me from America are the Sesame Street character decorations. I allow my husband and the boys to put ALL our other decorations on the tree... so long as I get to hang Grover. He is my favourite Sesame Street character, and therefore, my favourite Christmas tree decoration.

The boys had some fun decorating Monkey with all the tinsel...

The three boys getting down to the business of decorating the tree.

We decided we did NOT want baby spiders all over the house, so I carefully put the spider and the egg sac (which she had disguised with leaves and a bit of plastic bag) into a container and walked to the boardwalk with them and let them go.

Munchkin had some issues with his tummy this week... not sure if it was a touch of a bug, or low blood sugar crashes from not eating at the proper times of day. But he spent part of one morning during the week resting on the lounge.

We found another resident spider living in a curled leaf of our large fig tree. Each morning we could come outside and find her giant web stretched across the front steps and we would have to carefully remove it before any delivery men arrived, or one of us carelessly stepped on the verandah without looking first. 

Last day of school photos... Munchkin on the left and Monkey on the right...

Monster's last day photo - I'm so glad he is willing to continue these photos through his senior high school years! It is always fun to see the growth and change over the course of the year.

Saturday morning the Sulphur Crested Cockatoos had fun feasting in the neighbours yards.

Sadly, Munchkin had some more stomach problems Saturday morning that kept him laying low until early afternoon. He even took a nap which is highly unlike him.

Beautiful flowers that are blooming a couple blocks from our house. I couldn't decide which picture was my favourite so you get to see all four.

Munchkin is enjoying Beast Quest books again...

Monster read the Horrible Science book independently, and the photo on the right was his last literature selection for the year - a read aloud!

Lots and lots of reading going on in the house as we continue to finish off books from various unit studies, and the boys furiously read for the summer reading challenge at the library!

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