Saturday, July 18, 2020

Term Two Evaluation ~ Monster


Reading ~
* You can see from my Weekly Review posts that we read (aloud and independently) a LOT.
* A book list is included in Monster's portfolio with all the books he reads each term.

Writing ~
We still use and LOVE the following curriculum
Institute for Excellence in Writing Program
Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

In Term Two Monster wrote paragraphs on the following topics: Elephants (non-fiction), Hansel and Gretel (narrative re-write), and The Causes of WWI. I also introduced a new unit - the standard five paragraph essay.

We use our IEW paragraphs primarily to show learning in history, geography and science. I do not use textbooks or workbooks for these subjects and instead rely on quality books from our local library.

Grammar ~
This year we are continuing with Analytical Grammar which is the next step up after Junior Analytical Grammar.  Term Two he worked through units 13 - 14: Infinitive Phrases and Appositive Phrases.

Literature ~
"The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame
"The Cay" by Theodore Taylor
"Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson
"Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White
"Beezus and Ramona" by Beverly Cleary
"Ramona the Pest" by Beverly Cleary


This term Monster started his Haese Yr 10 Advanced mathematics textbook.
Over the course of the term he completed chapters 1 - 4 which covered the following topics: Indices, Algebraic Expansion and Factorisation, Radicals and Algebraic Fractions.


Below is a list of the science related books we read.
"Wild in the City" by Kate Baker
"World's Strangest Places" by Lonely Planet Kids
"World's Cutest Animals" by Lonely Planet Kids
"Australia's Greatest Inventions and Innovations" by Christopher Cheng & Lindsay Knight
"Indescribable: 100 Devotions about God & Science" by Louie Giglio
"World Health" by Dr Ronan Foley
"Space: Visual Encyclopedia" by Heather Couper & Nigel Henbest


We read the following books as part of our World War I unit study:
"Australians at War: World War One" by Robert Hillman
"The ANZAC Puppy" by Peter Millett & Trish Bowles
"Digger: The Dog Who Went to War" by Mark Wilson
"Message in a Sock" by Kaye Baillie
"ANZAC Ted" by Belinda Landsberry
"Roly the ANZAC Donkey" by Glyn Harper
"A Soldier, a Dog and a Boy" by Libby Hathorn
"Simpson and His Donkey" by Mark Greenwood
"Alfred's War" by Rachel Bin Salleh
"Going to War in World War One" by Adrian Gilbert
"Lone Pine" by Susie Brown
"The ANZAC Tree" by Christina Booth
"The ANZAC Violin" by Jennifer Beck
"Meet the ANZACS" by Claire Saxby
"One Boy's War" by Lynn Huggins-Cooper
"Stubby - A True Story of Friendship" by Michael Foreman
"The Red Poppy" by David Hill
"The Poppy" by Andrew Plant
"The Last ANZAC" by Gordon Winch
"Why Did World War I Happen"
"True Stories of the First World War" by Paul Dowswell
"War Horse" by Michael Morpurgo
"The Donkey Who Carried the Wounded" by Jackie French
"Feathered Soldiers" by Vashti Farrer
"The Story of World War One" by Richard Brassey
"Our Jacko" by Michael Morpurgo
"How Can a Pigeon Be a War Hero" by Tracey Turner
"Poppy Field" by Michael Morpurgo
"Women Heroes of World War I" by Kathryn Atwood
"Midnight" by Mark Greenwood

Other History Books:
"Ned Kelly's Jerilderie Letter" by Ned Kelly
"Captain Thunderbolt" by Jane Smith
"Horrible Histories: Smashing Saxons" by Terry Deary
"The Most Powerful Idea in the World" by William Rosen 
(this book finished off our Industrial Revolution unit study)
"John Simpson Kirkpatrick" by Allan Drummond
"DK Life Stories: Katherine Johnson" by Ebony Joy Wilkins
"Captain Starlight" by Jane Smith
"A Street Through Time" by DK Books
"Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly" by Carole Wilkinson
"China Through Time" by DK Books
"Horrible Histories: Vicious Vikings" by Terry Deary
"The Camel Who Crossed Australia" by Jackie French
"Horrible Histories: Stormin' Normans" by Terry Deary
"The History of Money" by Julie Haydon
"Horrible Histories: Angry Aztecs" by Terry Deary
Monster read all the Horrible Histories book independently

We started a unit study on Racism and Intolerance and read the following books:
"Racism & Intolerance" by Louise Spilsbury
"Slavery in the United States" by Gary E. Bar
"The Struggle for Freedom"


Below is the list of books read aloud and/or independently through Term Two:
"The Houses We Build"


Monster continued to work through Lingua Latina Familia Romana and Lingua Latina Exercitia Latina 1. This book and exercise book will take him through this school year and likely through next year as well. He works through these books independently and then I grade his work with the answer key. Monster is doing exceptionally well working through these books independently.

"World's Strangest Ocean Beasts" by Lonely Planet Kids

This term I began teaching Monster logic.
We are using "Logic Self-Taught: A Workbook by Katarzyna Paprzycka - an online workbook.
Monster is finding it interesting and challenging and is doing quite well with the workload.


Term Two Social Events:
Weekly Facebook video chat with my brother, SIL and their two girls
Daily walks around the neighbourhood greeting people as we see them
Celebrated Munchkin's 8th birthday during April school holidays
Returned to weekly trips to the library for "click and collect" borrowing service

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