Saturday, November 16, 2019

Term Four: Week Five ~ Puzzles, Games, Bush Fires and Books

Well this week was nothing even near resembling normal. First of all we learned that one of our favourite librarians is being transferred back to the branch she was working at two years ago before she got moved to our branch. So that was sad news... Then, as most of the world knows, there are fierce bush fires all over NSW and Queensland. Tuesday the fire danger was raised to the new CATASTROPHIC level, and we spent any and all free time monitoring the NSW Rural Fire Service Facebook page for updates and news. While we are not near ANY of the fires at all, and thus not in any immediate danger, we did cop a LOT of smoke by Tuesday afternoon and evening, which just made things eerie and a bit scary. Despite all the excitement, we got our work done, and we are getting closer and closer to being finished for the year.

Monster's puzzle progress for Sunday and Monday night... 

The boys enjoyed playing Monopoly with daddy for a long time one day... the game still isn't finished... they are planning another game day to determine the winner. 

I couldn't quite get my settings correct so that it looked like what we were actually seeing, but this is smoke in the air, not clouds. 

The puzzle (all 1500 pieces of it) is complete! 

 Tuesday evening a cool Southerly wind came through and cooled us off dramatically and also cleared all the smoke. The Jacaranda trees are just gorgeous... November is a favourite time of year for me... primarily because of these gorgeous trees!

 The boys are all reading rather voraciously right now...

 Munchkin has discovered the Tom Gates books and is reading about one per day...

 As always we enjoy a vast collection (both new and old) of picture books from the library...

Monster is working hard to finish the Series of Unfortunate Events books... 

We're enjoying the Lina series as part of Monkey's history read alouds... 

 These Aboriginal stories are beautifully written and illustrated and we LOVE reading and re-reading them...

Monster enjoyed hearing this wonderful Jackie French book... it has been years since I read it for the first time, so it was lovely for me to read it again too. 

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