Sunday, September 29, 2019

Term Three Evaluation ~ Monkey


Reading ~
* You can see from my weekly reviews that we read LOTS of books, aloud and independent.
* A book list is included in Monkey's portfolio with a list of all books read each term.

Writing ~
We still use, and LOVE, our Institute for Excellence in Writing Program
Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

In Term Three, Monkey wrote paragraphs on the following topics: Jack and the Beanstalk (narrative), Short-Beaked Echidna (non-fiction), The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf (narrative), The Greater Bilby (non-fiction). He also wrote thank you notes for the birthday presents he received for his birthday.

Spelling ~ 
We continue with Ozspeller lists that I source online.
Monkey is working through the Year 5 lists.
He has an oral quiz Monday through Thursday and a written test on Friday.

Handwriting ~
Foundation Handwriting Yr 4

Grammar ~
This year we are reviewing Junior Analytical Grammar
Term Three we worked through units seven and eight: sentence patterns 1-3


Maths Plus Yr 5 Textbook
Term Three units covered the following topics:
3-digit division, Ordering decimals, Plan view, The tonne, Addition and estimation, Averages, Reflect, translate, rotate, Enlargements, Distributive law, Reading numbers, Decimals to thousandths, 24-hour timetables, 5-digit subtraction, Adding and subtracting fractions, Number patterns with fractions, Constructing objects, 4-digit multiplication, Improper fractions, Chance, Scale, direction and coordinates, Division by ten, Fractions of a collection, Measuring angles in triangles, Perimeter, 6-digit addition, Multiplication by tens, Number patterns/fractions/decimals, Gross and net mass, Two digits multiplied by two digits, Decimal place value, Making objects and nets, Division with zeros, GST and budgets, Interpreting graphs
Diagnostic Review 3


Below is a list of the science related books we read:

"Ants Close Up" by Andrew Kelly
"You Can Fill a Swimming Pool With Your Spit" by Truth or Busted Series


Monkey began and in-depth and intense Australian history unit.
This should take us two years to complete.

We read the following books as part of the unit study:
"Alice of Peppermint Grove" by Davina Bell
"Peacetime For Alice" by Davina Bell
"Meet Daisy" by Michelle Hamer
"The Rats of Tobruk" by Mark Wilson
"Daisy All Alone" by Michelle Hamer
"Daisy in the Mansion" by Michelle Hamer
"Daisy on the Road" by Michelle Hamer
"Meet Ruby" by Penny Matthews
"How the Finnegans Saved the Ship" by Jackie French
"Ruby and the Country Cousins" by Penny Matthews


We read the following books as part of geography this term:
"Amazing Expeditions" by Anita Ganeri


Monkey spent LOTS of his free time during the term sketching and drawing.


We had a life event as part of our PDHPE this term.
Monkey had a crash on his scooter and broke his right wrist.
He got to experience having an x-ray taken of his arm and also had to wear a velcro splint for most of the term. Due to this we did less grammar and handwriting than normal as those were the two subjects that were easy to postpone.


Term Three Social Events:
Celebrated 10th birthday
Enjoyed international visit from his Grandmother from America
Visited Cockatoo Island

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