Saturday, May 4, 2019

Term Two: Week One ~ Back on Routine

Term two begins. We are back on routine... at least somewhat. We are spending a bit of extra time at the library for the next week or so, but aside from that, it is back to our regular weekly schedule.

Monkey enjoying some Reading Eggpress lessons on the computer. 

Munchkin works on some math pages while also snacking on corn chips and dip. 

Usually term two is about the time I start pulling the slow cooker out of the cupboard and utilizing it for easy meals. This particular pot full is taco soup! 

Monkey enjoys some toast with peanut butter and jam for breakfast, while also reading some books for his PRC reading challenge list. 

Monster, hard at work on our math unit. 

Monster started a new jigsaw puzzle this week. 

Some cute little creatures Munchkin created... 
(a robot, his bed, and his nightstand complete with light) 

The ideas came from this GREAT book.... PLUS we are watching Lego Masters on TV so the boys have all been doing LOTS more Lego building. 

A VERY rainy Friday at our local park for homeschool group. It literally started raining about five minutes after we arrived, and rained pretty steadily until we left at 3pm. But rain doesn't deter our group. The mums were desperate for a catch-up and the kids just wanted to be together and outside... they didn't care if they had to stay undercover. 

Most of the boys chose to stay undercover playing a variety of board games... 

The girls on the other hand... swapped between sitting undercover playing with dolls, and going out in the rain. If memory serves, this was a "shop" they were setting up. 

I deleted the photos of the books we read this week, before I edited the photos for this blog post, so rather than download them from my computer again... I'm doing something a little bit different.  The above photo is the "library bookshelf"! It lives in a corner of our front entryway. The trolley, the blue patterned backpack, and the brown shopping bag on the floor, are all the various ways I carry books to and from the library so they live nearby. As soon as we get home, I unload the bag or trolley into the appropriate shelves (see photos below). Then, as we finish books through the week, they go in the shopping bag on the floor, so we know which books we want to return.  When you have FIVE library cards, which gives you the option of checking out 150 items, you have to have a good system to keep track of them.  And YES, for those of you who may be wondering, we routinely have 150 items on our cards!! 

TOP SHELF: Here I keep Munchkin's early readers (thin blue books), any chapter books we are working on, and various PRC books that the boys are working on. We've now started keeping the step stool in front of this bookshelf instead of the bathroom where it used to live. Munchkin no longer needs a step stool to reach the bathroom sink, but he DOES need it to reach books on the top shelf of this bookshelf. 

MIDDLE SHELF: This shelf is USUALLY our non-fiction shelf. Thus the books are history, geography, science and PE/health related. Right now we have a group of really great science books and geography book that Australian Geographic publishes. Then we also have Monster's Medieval history books and some human body books. These books make up the bulk of our unit study topics. 

BOTTOM SHELF: This is our picture book shelf. However, as Munchkin gets older, we are borrowing less picture books, so this shelf also tends to hold overflow from the non-fiction shelf. Currently it is holding some human body books mainly.

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