Saturday, March 9, 2019

Term One: Week Six ~ Puzzles, Moths, Books and Outdoor Play

We have reached the midway point of the term. Things are ticking along nicely. We are getting book work done, enjoying online learning (some more than others) and experiencing hands-on learning as well. Here is my selection of photographs for our learning this week...

Monster is making speedy progress on his newest puzzle. 

I have discovered a wonderful new website to help the boys practice their basic math facts. Anyone who is interested should check out XtraMath to discover the fun themselves. 

This particular morning, Munchkin was so engrossed in his chapter book that he completely forgot to eat his breakfast. As you can see it sitting sorry and forgotten beside him. 

One morning this week, the boys glanced at the bug catcher and discovered that our caterpillar had hatched out of the cocoon and was now a moth perched on the lid. 

We took the bug catcher outside on the front verandah, carefully removed the lid, took several photographs, and then left the lid in the sunshine so the moth could fly away when he was ready. 

Monster's completed puzzle... 

 Fun at the park with our homeschool group. A bunch of the boys played a board game together (left photograph) and there always seem to be groups of kids on the spider web!

 Despite being able to independently read chapter books (right photo) Munchkin is still reading the Fitzroy reader series to me aloud (left photo).

As part of Monster's Marine and Aquaculture Technology Subject, we are doing a unit study on the oceans of the world. 

More reading for Monster's Medieval Europe unit. 

All three boys are participating in a unit study about light... 

 This book is part of a series I picked up for Monkey and Munchkin as part of the PDHPE unit studies. PDHPE stands for Personal Development, Health, and Physical Education.

 Evening read aloud selections for Munchkin

More Fitzroy readers for Munchkin... 

 Monkey has discovered this Lemony Snicket series and is reading it independently.

Monster and I enjoyed this lovely story as part of his literature read alouds. 

 Still more picture book selections for Munchkin... I'm so glad he still LOVES picture books.

 We started the next Our Australian Girl series for Monkey's Australian History unit study.

Light unit study (left photo) and a mini unit on Antarctica for Monster (right photo). 

 Picture books...

 More ocean unit study for Monster...

 We have a little obsession with Rosemary Wells books at the moment...

Munchkin is just FLYING through the Treehouse series. 

 Evening read alouds for the older boys...

Finally, Munchkin LOVES to check board books out from the library. I'm not entirely sure why, but the phase will pass eventually!!

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