Saturday, March 30, 2019

Term One: Week Nine ~ Gameschooling, Nature Walks, and Outdoor Play

It is always hard to get back on track after an illness...
Especially when the term is slowly winding to a close.

No photos of our written book work this week, but it got done!
Instead I decided to photograph some of the other activities we enjoy in a week.

I'm trying to add some gameschooling back to our schedule. We enjoyed Qwixx and Phase 10 this week. 

Our Thursday afternoon walk to the library is quickly becoming a nature walk. We again saw this beautiful Blue Tongue Lizard as we made our way there, and often times, as we're walking home in the early evening, we get the opportunity to bird watch. 

We did a little bit of work on this 1500 piece puzzle from Grandma... 

 Munchkin was quite pleased with his balancing abilities on the spider swing!

 Happiness Is... An older brother who enjoys pushing you on the swing!

Boys, young and old, took part in an EPIC Nerf Gun battle at homeschool group. 

Working through the orange level of Fitzroy readers... hoping to finish up this level by the end of the term so we can start fresh with a new level in Term 2. 

Munchkin is REALLY enjoying our collection of Jan Brett books... a big THANK YOU to my aunt who suggested I do a library search for more of her books. Now that we have access to NINE libraries (not just our local one) we can get LOTS more books. 

Monster and Monkey are enjoying this wonderful series... and it is uplifting to read that changes are FINALLY being made so that our wonderful wildlife will continue to survive. 

 This was an older book that I read aloud to Monster and Monkey, but it was still full of excellent information. It is a good idea to be an informed consumer, particularly where food is concerned!

 An eclectic selection of read alouds...

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Term One: Week Eight ~ Sick Week

Not much to show for this week.
It was a sick week for us. 
Monkey came down with a high fever and a cough on Monday, and we finished off the week with Munchkin coming down with it by the time we returned home from homeschool group on Friday evening.

Monster and I kept up with our math, but that was pretty much it.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Term One: Week Seven ~ Puzzles, Lizards and LOTS of Reading

This week doesn't have a lot of photographs of our work, but we're plugging along... AND we did LOTS and LOTS of reading!!

Monster started the week with a new puzzle. 

 Munchkin enjoyed using our vast marble collection to help him with a division page in maths.

On our way to the library we spotted this beautiful Blue Tongue lizard warming itself in the afternoon sunshine. 

An example of the level of reading Munchkin is doing in his Fitzroy Reader books. 

 Early Reader books for Munchkin. He is excited as he has found that he can now handle short chapter books as well as the increasingly difficult levels of the Fitzroy Readers.

 Still enjoying our vast selection of Rosemary Wells books that we found at the library.

Geography/Science read aloud selections for the older boys. 

 A couple more non-fiction read alouds for the older boys, though I read the Safety Online book to all three boys since Munchkin now uses the computer a lot as well.

 Evening chapter book read alouds for Monkey.

 Independent reading for Monster - he LOVES the Horrible Histories books!

 The older boys and I really enjoyed this new series of books we stumbled across at the library a few weeks ago.