Saturday, September 8, 2018

Term Three: Week Seven ~ Drawing, Games and Saturday Science

As term three winds down, and the boys finish off more and more of their structured, written work, they find they have more time for natural learning, and they have free time to enjoy their own activities of choice.

Munchkin is working on a drawing using Art for Kids Hub. If anyone has children who are interested in art I highly recommend this site!! Click on the link above to check it out for yourself. 

Monkey likes to see how small he can draw things... 

Munchkin enjoyed using an OLD Discovery Toys game to work through one of his hands on math pages. 

 Some examples of the drawings that Monkey did this week...

Drawings Munchkin did using Art For Kids Hub. 

We FINALLY finished our Southeast Asian unit study. The boys did a quick notebooking page on Vietnam after we read several books about the country. 

We made a conscience effort to play more games this week... we managed a couple during the week (mostly Munchkin and I) but I played games with all three boys on Saturday as well. 

 You know it is spring when you see wildlife EVERY time you leave the house. 

We did some "Saturday Science" this week. The boys LOVE doing science experiments, but I find them hard to squeeze into our schedule during the week - mostly because set up and clean up can take some time - so we are going to try to do science experiments on as many Saturdays as possible. 

In between the boys usual computer time on Saturdays, and our science project (see photos below) I played games with them.  It was a FUN day!! 

 Our fun little experiment about the different density of salt and fresh water. The coloured water was salt water. It didn't work quite like the science experiment said it would, but we could see that the salt water sank to the bottom of the glass.

 Picture book choices of Munchkin's...

 Left photo: Read aloud that all three boys enjoyed during lunch one day.
Right photo: Monster and I have FINALLY started our Medieval Europe/Black Plague unit.

 The remainder of Munchkin's picture book choices.

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