Saturday, February 3, 2018

Term One: Week One ~ Back to the Books

The boys and I were chomping at the bit to start the new school year. We started on Monday, despite our public school friends not starting until Tuesday and/or Wednesday, and jumped right in to the deep end.

Monday morning, 8am, and the Munchkin was already working on his maths for the day. 

 Meanwhile, Monster worked on a science etching kit that he got from a friend for Christmas.

I gave Monkey his Term 1 diagnostic review as a pre-test on the first day of school. He wasn't too happy about it, but I simply told him it was to see what he already knows, and what concepts we need to learn or continue to work on.  He did quite well, so the term should be easy for him as far as math is concerned. 

Munchkin LOVES Mathseeds, which is a second part to our Reading Eggs subscription. 

He works independently at his own pace, and has already progressed to the last map and is easily and accurately adding two digit numbers. 

Their writing assignments for this week (and probably next week as well) are thank you notes to their friends and family who gifted them with wonderful presents for Christmas. 

Monkey wrote a story during his Reading Eggs time. 

More maths for Munchkin... I'm pretty sure he would work on maths all day long if I allowed him to. 

The weather finally cooled off, so curling up in bed for some afternoon silent reading was actually a pleasant experience. 

Monster enjoying his Reading Eggs time... 

 Munchkin enjoyed this hands-on water measuring page in his maths book.

For Grammar this year the older boys are working through Junior Analytical Grammar. I am working through it with them, and at the end of the book we'll all be able to diagram sentences. This was our first assignment... identifying all the common nouns in the sentences... and we all did REALLY well. 

More Mathseeds for Munchkin.
He got creative and made his own number line to help him with some of the problems. 

Friday mid-morning we went to homeschool group. We got to visit a BRAND new park/playground and we LOVED it! This structure was the highlight of the park for the boys. We were there for about 2.5 hours and they spent almost the entire time climbing and sliding. Even the biggest boys in our homeschool group (who are 16 and 17) made numerous trips through this structure. 

We started a science (with geography crossovers as well) unit of the water cycle. As we progress it will lead into other topics such as layers of the atmosphere, weather, and natural disasters. I'm having the boys do a bit of notebooking this year, so I found this easy worksheet for them to fill out. 

Monkey's independent reading... 

 Picture book choices for Munchkin...

 Science read alouds for all three boys...

 Art read alouds for all three boys... they particularly liked the Davinci book.

Independent reading for Monster... 

Some more water cycle books... The Big Earth Book is going to be a staple book for much of the term/year. It has sections on earth, air, water and fire, so I'll be using it for several different unit studies I have planned!

This has been an extremely successful first week of the term and I'm looking forward to all the wonderful topics we have to learn about together.

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