Saturday, December 23, 2017

Summer School Holidays: Week One ~ Trying Out a New Routine

It is officially summer school holidays here and the boys and I are enjoying our break from structured, written learning.  But I always stress to the boys that LIFE is learning, so even though it is school holidays, we are always learning, EVERY day!

I also decided to try out a holidays routine that would keep screen time to a minimum, allow time for silent reading, get us outdoors as the weather allows, teach the boys some new skills, and still leave room for free time!  There was much weeping and gnashing of teeth on the boys parts, but they'll get over it!!

 First things first, I've determined that the boys will begin learning how to fix breakfast and lunch for themselves.  So I assisted the Munchkin with his scrambled eggs...

While the older boys set about fixing themselves some porridge/oatmeal using the microwave! 

I'm back to assigning cleaning chores again. They will correspond with whatever area of the house I'm cleaning on that particular day.  I have also decided the older boys are old enough to have some more difficult chores.  So here Monster had to put the wheelie bins to the kerb for collection the next morning, and both older boys will start learning how to clean the bathrooms!! 

Another addition to our routine is time to play a game or do a puzzle.  We have been blessed with many gifts over the years of some wonderful games and puzzles so I want to make sure we are making time to use them. Here the Munchkin worked on two 100-piece puzzles that he has. I also have some 200 and 300 piece puzzles set aside for him, but he still needs a bit of help on 100 piece puzzles so he is happy for the time being.

Monkey is able to put together 500-750 piece puzzles with some assistance and Monster is up to 1000 piece puzzles and insists on working on them by himself with NO help. 

Nana was staying with us for part of this week, so the boys got the extra special treat of some time on her tablet. 

It took two tries (because one boy really struggles with keeping secrets) but we were able to play a good game of Cluedo. 

Munchkin tried to teach Nana (unsuccessfully I think since he is still learning himself) how to play Mancala. 

An hour of silent reading is another addition to our day.  I read during this time as well, so Munchkin gets to listen to an audio book on the computer, while the older boys and I read. Once Munchkin is reading fluently then he will be expected to read silently as well... but that is probably 1-2 years away yet. 

The two older boys LOVE playing Rummicub with Nana. 

Munchkin enjoyed some magic sand and play dough fun while I read some books aloud to him. 

When the weather allows, we get outside for a minimum of an hour per day. This particular day we explored a new bush walking trail we'd never been on... 

And spent some time at the park... 

The boys are OBSESSED with origami... so here are some of Monkey's creations!! 

We read a LOT of books this week...
These are silent reading selections that Monster finished... 

 I spent most lunch times reading aloud to the boys. We had a HUGE stack of books from the library that needed to go back so I worked through all of those.

Even though it is school holidays, Monster and I have agreed to keep reading our government books, so we can finish that unit study and move on to something else in the new year. The information is sometimes hard to grasp, but we have both REALLY enjoyed what we have learned and thus want to continue. 

 Monkey and I are making good progress with the "A Series of Unfortunate Events" books. We have four left and then we are done.  I already have another series of books lined up for the new school year next year.

I bought myself a little Christmas gift!  I LOVED this book when I was a child, and I'm thrilled to have discovered that it is being printed again. 

 Some of Monkey's silent reading selections will count towards the Premier's Reading Challenge for next year.

More of Munchkin's picture book selections... 

 The older boys are OBSESSED with these books... Monster read these two as part of his silent reading for the week... but there are origami directions in the books as well!!

 Finally, Munchkin just HAD to borrow this book for the library again as he LOVES it!

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