Saturday, October 14, 2017

Term Four: Week One ~ Showcasing the Munchkin

So it seems my choice of photographs this week only showcase the Munchkin!  I'm not quite sure how or why that happened, but we'll go with it.  I kept the first week of the term VERY easy as the boys enjoyed a "boys night out" with dad Tuesday night to attend a World Cup Qualifying soccer match between Australia and Syria.  They didn't get home until after midnight (they were all three still awake) and so our routine was disrupted for the remainder of the week.  However, we still managed spelling, maths and lots of reading.

We are rather behind on our Letter of the Week activities so Munchkin spent some time one morning doing a bit of catch up work. 

Most of his maths pages this week involved hands-on learning.  His favourite was this page on volume that involved estimating and then measuring water. 

We finished reading the Beatrix Potter collection so I was on the hunt for a new literature selection for our morning read aloud.  Monster pointed out that we never finished reading all the stories in this book last year so we'll finish it off.  It should just about take us to the end of this school year. 

 The picture book selections were entirely Munchkin's choices, but the older boys really enjoyed them as well.  The book on the left is actually a very serious story about habitat loss for native animals in Australia... and the book on the right is a hilarious adaptation of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"

 The book on the left is a new book the library ordered and it is lovely.  A nice story about a boy who learns to accept a new puppy after his dog died.  The book on the right is an Australian adaptation of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff"

 On the left is a nice Australian adaptation of "Knick Knack Paddywack" and on the right is another beautiful Australian adaptation of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"

 Finally some read alouds for the older boys as well... we started our mini unit on celebrations and Monkey has been extremely interested in frog so we are reviewing our knowledge of all things frogs and toads.

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